Burn Mark

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Kiibos pov

"I'm going to cook breakfast this time" shuichi grinned.

"ok baby" I said kissing his cheek.

Shuichi excitedly ran downstairs and cooked us some scrambled eggs. He placed the plate down in front of me looking very proud of himself.

I took a bite "this is very good baby"

"thank you" shuichi smiled. He accidentally put his hand on the stove however and burnt his hand.

"oww!" shuichi yelped as he curled up into a ball.

"shuichi!" I ran up to him worriedly.

"daddy it hurts" shuichi whimpered with big, teary eyes. He must have went into little space out of shock.

"I know baby but daddy will make it all better I promise" I said kissing his head.

"ok" he whimpered clinging to me.

I picked him up and took him to the bedroom. I grabbed the first aid kit and grabbed some bandages and burn cream out of it.

"now this is going to sting a bit darling. Do you think you can be a brave boy and stay still?" I asked gently.

He nodded biting his lip nervously. I applied the cream to his hand. He hissed in pain but keep his hand still. I wrapped bandages around his hand and kissed it better.

Our cat sherlock noticed how distressed shuichi was and jumped on his knee purring.

"hehe good kitty" he giggled petting her with his good hand. I was surprised. I was told that cats don't care about their owners but sherlock was an incredibly affectionate cat. Maybe we got a special one.

I sat next to shuichi and held him close hoping that he'll feel better soon.

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now