Digital World

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Shuichis pov

"alright fucktards let's get moving!" mius obnoxious voice rang out.

Miu had recently built a mechine that could send us to the digital world and she insists that we all try it out with her. I had a bad feeling about this but I went ahead with it anyway. I now realise what a terrible mistake that was.

We put the headsets on and we were sent into the digital world. We all appeared as chibi avatars.

"wow shuichi you look pretty cute as a chibi character" kiibo said.

"Umm thank you" I muttered blushing a bit.

"oi you two! Quit being gay over there and play my game already!" miu yelled.

"ahh right" I muttered feeling too embarrassed to even look at kiibo.

We all split up into teams. I was with tsmugi and himiko, maki was with kaito, Kiibo was with miu and gonta was with kokichi. I felt a little sad that I couldn't be with kiibo but it wasn't too bad since we all met up later.

We all crossed a lake together but the plank broke when miu tried to cross it.

"don't worry I'll find another way across" miu said reassuringly before running off.

I couldn't help but noticed that kaito, kokichi and gonta were missing. I started to worry and it was then that I heard that dreaded announcement.

"a body has been discovered!"

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now