The Seace

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Kiibos pov

we were sitting at the table chatting as usual when korekiyo came up to us proposing that we do a seance with him.

"sounds fun. What is a seance anyway?" kaito asked.

"why it's the sommoning of spirits of course" korekiyo replied

"g-g-ghousts" kaito stumbled back in shock.

"your not afraid are you?" maki said smirking at him.

"of course not! Sommoning spirits sounds like a party! Let's go sidekicks" kaito walked off confidently but I could see his legs shaking.

Shuichi pulled on my sleeve. "Umm shuichi can I do the seance with you?

"of course you can" his eyes lit up with excitement. God he's such a cutie. I hope I can keep him safe in this place.

At the seance

Everything seemed to be going well. We set the candles up and tenko even offered to do the ritual in  to impress himiko. But then the lights shut off. Everyone ran around frantic. I even heard kaito scream something about ghosts.

Once the lights came back on I saw kaito hugging a bright red maki.

"ahh the spirits are angry! I knew this was a bad idea I knew it!"

"Umm kaito the light are back on you can let go now" maki said looking flustered.

"we're gonners! Gonners I tell you!"

"kaito let go" maki push him off but once he did kaito coughed up blood. I looked at him horrifyed.

"kaito are you-"

"I'm fine" kaito cut shuichi off "I just need some fresh air" with that he walked out

Shuichis eyes were brimming with tears "it's all my fault" the boy sobbed "I can never help anyone. I'M SO USELESS!" shuichi ran out of the room sobbing.

"shuichi wait!"

"let him go" maki said simply "we have a murder to solve."

My blood ran cold "a murder?"

She pointed to himiko who was now sobbing in the arms of a now dead tenko.

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