Triple Date

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Shuichis pov

"hey kiibo dose this suit make me look fat?" I asked.

"no honey you look beautiful!" kiibo said sweetly.

"awww thanks kiiboo" I said kissing him on the cheek.

We were all pretty excited today as we planned to have dinner out with our friends and their dates. Like a triple date! Basically the dates were kaito and maki, kokichi and himiko and me and kiibo.

"you look handsome in your tuxedo too kiibo" I said blushing.  He smiled and kissed my hand.

"so do you baby" he said rubbing circles in my palm. He's so good to me. I'm so lucky to have him as my boyfriend.

We arrived at towa city dinner. kokichi and himiko were standing outside all dressed up.

"a triple date huh? This is going to be awesome!" kokichi said grinning like a happy child.

"yeah this is going to be fun" himiko cheered. These two are just made for each other aren't they?

"you all look great" I complimented them.

"aww thanks shuma" kokichi said hugging me.

"so where's kaito and maki?" I asked.

"kaito said they'd be running a bit late" himiko explained

And right on cue kaito and maki came strolling down the sidewalk. Maki had her hair down and was wearing a red dress. Kaito was wearing a tuxedo with stars on it.

"hey guys doesn't my girl look great!" kaito said proudly.

"kaito stop" maki said bashfully.

"alright everyone's here now let's get some  food!" kokichi yelled running in. We rolled our eyes at him and followed him in.

We spent the remainder of the night eating lots, drinking plenty and laughed loudly. By the end of it I lay my head on Kiibos shoulder.

"your so cute when you sleep" kiibo whispered as he picked me up. "let's get you home"

He placed me into the car and I hopped into the drivers seat.

"see you on Monday kiibo" the others said.

"okay see ya"

We waved goodbye and I drove off. Kiibo have a goofy grin on my face as I drove home. I giggled as I pretended to be asleep. Man I'm so glad he's in my life.

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now