Telling The Truth

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Shuichis pov

I woke up in my bed. Memories of last night flooded into my mind and I burst into tears. Our situation just felt so hopeless now. I have to stay strong though. For kiibo, kaito and everyone else that's still alive! I have to fight for them!

I walked to the dining hall by myself and was immediately depressed with I saw the number of people left. We don't even have half the people we started with! Why? This is just too cruel!

I sat next to kiibo and ate in silence. Kokichi soon walked in. We immediately sent glares his way. I simply couldn't forgive what he'd done to gonta and I'm sure everyone else feels the same way.

Kokichi looked nervous but stood his ground "guys I haven't been completely honest with you"

"yeah no shit" maki growled "get the hell out of my face before I kill you" the others murmured in agreement.

"hold on everyone. I think we should hear him out" kaito said firmly. I stared at him in disbelief. Is kaito really taking Kokichis side?!

"why do you care what he has to say" maki growled.

"because he's human maki and he deserves the same rights any other human would get" kaito said tightening his fists "I still believe he's on our side. I want to believe that we're all friends like keade said" those words touched my heart. Kaito really is a good guy.

"I agree with kaito. I think we should hear him out" kiibo said. I nodded in agreement.

"alright. Talk" himiko growled. I imagine she's still upset about last night.

Kokichi took a deep breath "I never enjoyed the killing game. How could anyone enjoy the senseless killing of people who had their whole future ahead of them! The truth was that I've been trying to end this killing game since it started. I assumed one of you were the mastermind so I kept my distance and made you all hate me as much as possible but as time went on I found it harder to lie to you. You were all just such amazing people. I wanted to get along with you but then miu tried to kill me and I used gonta like a cowered! And worse yet I lied to you all instead of facing my failures. I understand if you can't forgive me but please know that I never hated any of you!"

he bowed to us all. Something I've never seen the proud leader do before. Somehow I actually believed his apology. Something about it just felt so sincere.

Himiko walked up to him. She calmly raised her hand and smaked him across the face.


"that's for lying to me" she then grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him "and that's for finally being honest with me"

Kokichi started shaking and then burst into tears. Himiko pulled him into her chest and slowly rubbed his back.

"shhh it's ok now. I promise everything will be ok" she said gently as she continued to rub his back.

I smiled at the touching seace. Maybe there is hope for us.

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now