Double Murder

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Shuichis pov

I sat at the stairs crying in a ball. Why dose things like this have to keep happening? I just want big bro kaito and everyone else to be ok!

"waaaaaa!" I cried loudly.

"ow what is that crying" I looked up to see kokichi holding his bloody head!

"kokichi what happened to your head!" I gasped.

"oh I fell through some floorboards" kokichi explained "I guess my head does look pretty busted up huh?"

"your head needs patched up! I'll take you to daddy. Follow me!" I said taking his hand and taking him to where daddy is.

Daddy gasped when he saw him "kokichi are you ok?"

"Well my heads split in half so you tell me" kokichi said in his usual cheery tone.

"right let's get you patched up" daddy said taking kokichi to the nurses office.

"hey there you are shuichi!" I turned around to see kaito smiling. He's all better!

"Big bro!" I ran up to him and hugged him tight "I missed you so much! I thought you were really hurt"

"nah kiddo I'm completely fine" kaito said petting my head.

Maki soon showed up. I hide behind kaito nervously. She sighed and walked up to me.

"look shuichi I'm sorry about scaring you before. Do you think you can forgive me?"

I nodded and smiled at her.

"good. Now do you think you can help us solve the murder like the clever boy you are?"

I nodded with a smile giggled.

Kaito smiled greatfully at her. I think something strange is happening between them but I can't understand what.

I walked to the art room where Angie body was. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I'm going to solve this mystery. For the sake of everyone I love.

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now