Unexpected Result

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Shuichis pov

I ran to the library with fear in my heart. What dose it mean a body has been discovered!? There's no way someone could be dead! I told myself that as I swung open the door to find rantaros dead body.

"wow would you look at that. One of you kids got off your lazy butt and killed this nobody" Monokuma popped up giggling "man I must say you kids really kept me on my toes-"

I blanked out the rest of what he was saying. I could feel myself slipping. No. I can't slip in front of them! I quickly ran to my room before anyone could stop me.

I snuggled under the blankets and hugged my special teddy close. I don't want to deal with this. All this death and despair I can't deal with it!

"shuichi are you in here" I heard keade say from behind the door. I opened the door with my teddy in my arm.

She smiled gently at me "oh shuichi I'm so sorry" she said pulling me into a hug "I know it's hard seeing our friend dead but we gotta do our best to get through this. The mastermind won't beat us cause we'll never give up!"

I smiled and nodded. I really liked keade. She's super nice!

"hey is that your teddy bear shuichi?" she asked pointing to Teddy.

"aha that's teddy. He was the lwast thwing mommy gave me bewore the awceident" I muttered hugging teddy.

"I see" keade said petting my head "come on sweetie it's time for you to take a little nap. When you wake up you can help us with the investigation"

I nodded tired and let her lead me to my bed. She rubbed my back gently and I hugged teddy and slowly fell asleep.

I really like keade alot.

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now