The Class Mom

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Shuichis pov

I walked to the dining hall with kaito by my side. He's been really nice to me since keade died. I can't thank him enough for that.

I walked into the dining hall to see everyone's miserable faces. It made sense. Keade was a source of positivity and hope for us all. Her death naturally had an impact on everyone.

Kirumi came in with our breakfast "eat up everyone. You can't be losing your strength in a place like this" she said firmly. I smiled a little. She really is like a mom.

"how can we eat after what happened keade last night" himiko sobbed.

"don't cry himiko. Keade in a better place now unlike us who are stuck in this hellhole" kokichi said cheerfully.

"don't you say that to her you degenerate!" tenko said lungeing at him. Kaito caught her before she could hurt the small boy.

"let's not fight guys. Keade sacrifice herself so we could live. We shouldn't waste that sacrifice by fighting amongst ourselves" everyone was silent after that. I was touched by kaitos words but it didn't seem like everyone was impressed.

"work together? You sure do like to live in your own fantasy world don't you space boy" maki glared as she stood up and left the room. Kaito stared at her in wonderment?

"everyone I insist you eat your food!" Kirumi said firmly. We nodded and ate our food in silence.

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now