A Day With Kaito And Maki

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Shuichis pov

"Big bwo" I ran up to him and hugged him.

"hey little dude" kaito said ruffling my hair.

"thanks for agreeing to look after him guys. I have to work with dad today and it's kinda hard to explain to babysitters about shuichis condition" daddy said gratefully.

"no problem Kiibs. I love having the little guy over" kaito said tickling me.

He nodded greatfully and left. I ran into the kitchen where where maki was sitting drinking tea.

"hi maki" I said boncing over to her excitedly.

"hello shuichi" she said petting my head fondly "would you like to bake cookies with me?"

"yes please!" I yelled excitedly.

Maki smiled and brought out the cookie mix. I took out the wooden spoon and started mixing. She let me lick the bowl as a reward.

We put the cookie in the oven and watched a super fun movie with kaito while we waited for them to bake. The bell went off and maki took them out of the oven.

We sat at the kitchen table and ate the cookies. Kaito didn't blow on his cookie and ended up burning his tongue. Me and maki laughed at him while he pouted at us.

I saved some cookies for when daddy would pick me up later. I let out a yawn. Maki smiled at me.

"I think it's time for your nap little one"

She led me to her bed and tucked me in. I grabbed Teddy and cuddled with him as I slowly fell asleep.

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now