First Motive

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Shuichis pov

I was sitting in the dinning hall with keade when Monokuma and the monokubs popped up.

"alright you brats I've had enough of your lovey dovey bullshit!" Monokuma yelled.

"So daddy's prepared a motive so you pissants can finally start killing" monokid yelled.

"oh how horrorfying" monophane said throwing up glitter. I wonder how they built a robot to do that in the first place?

"oh wow that's ikey" monotaro gasped.

"enough of the sharades. Tell u what you mean by motive?" rantaro demanded.

"good question young man and I'm about to answer it" Monokuma grinned "the motive for this trail will be the first blood perk"

"what the hell is the first blood perk?" maki asked.

"the first blood perk is where you get to skip the class trail completely! You can kill someone here and have it have no consequence. But there is a time limit"

"time limit?" kiibo questioned.

"yep. You kids have eleven day before I kill every single person here!"

We stared at him in disbelief. He'd really go that far!?

"anyway now that I got that out of the way imma leave" with that Monokuma and his monokubs left us in stunned silence. All except for ryoma.

"I see. So that's what we're faced with" he muttered walking up to keade "alright. I want you to kill me"

"what!" keade said in disbelief.

"taking that first blood perk is the only way we can get out of this alive. My life is of no value anyway"

"don't say that!"

"that's enough" rantaro yelled "I appreciate your sacrifice ryoma but it's unnecessary. I promise I'll get everyone out of here alive" with that he left.

I hope he really can get us all out of here.

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