Our New Home

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Kiibos pov

The two of us stood in front of our new home. After getting married we decided to buy a new house.

It wasn't easy considering that we didn't have a lot of money but we eventually found a small and cozy bungalow in the county.

It was a complete mess inside which is probably why they were willing to sell it to us.

Shuichi rolled his sleeves up and grinned at me "well come on kiibo we got alot of work to do" trust shuichi to make the best of things!

We both did our part. I did most of the labour work like moving planks and fixing the electricity. Shuichi sweeped the floor and painted the walls. After all that wewent to the shops to replace all the messed up furniture.

When we were walking back home we saw a black and white kitten. Shuichis eyes lit up "can we keep her?" he asked.

"oh I don't know honey taken care of a pet is alot of responsibility" I muttered.

"please!!!" shuichi begged giving me the puppy dog eyes. Oh I can't say no to him!

"fine but you have to take good care of her!"

"yayyyy" shuichi cheered " I'm going to name you sherlock"

He held the the kitten close to him giggling like a excited child. He took her home and played with her while I worked with the furniture. I would have made him help me but he just looked so cute that I couldn't bring myself to!

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now