Another Death

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Shuichis pov

We got out of the vertual world as quickly as possible. I couldn't believe what was waiting for me when I got out.

It was mius corpes clutching her throat with unnaturally blue skin. It looks like she was choked to death.

"huh what's this?" kokichi said picking up a bottle of poison!

"where'd you get that?" himiko asked.

"don't know. I just found it on my seat" he replied.

"that poison could have only came from my room. How could anyone have gotten there hands on that!" I muttered in disbelief. I was shaking at this point. I had no idea what was going on and it was scaring me.

"shuichi are you ok? Do you need to rest for a second?" kiibo asked gently.

I nodded and was about to leave with him when I heard...

"what do you mean I'm the killer!?" I turned around to see kaito getting confronted by Tsmugi.

"Well you were awake before everyone else so it's only natural that we'd think it was you" Tsmugi replied.

"she's got a point kai-chan" kokichi grinned.

Kaito looked around helplessly. Their blaming my best friend for murder. I have to help him!

"guys kaito didn't kill miu and I'll prove it in the class trail!"

"thank you sidekick your the best!" kaito said pulling me into a bear hug.

"that's a big claim detective. I hope you can back it up in the trail" kokichi said as he walked off. What is up with him? It's not like him to pick a killer without doing any investigating first.

What the heck is going on!

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now