Tearful Confession

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Kokichis pov

I was laying in bed crying. This is it. They truly hate me now and I deserve it. I can't believe I did that to gonta! I can't believe I pushed everyone away!i can't believe I pushed her away. Shuichis right. I'm alone and I always will be-

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. Has someone come to kill me? Maybe I'll just let it happen.

I opened the door expecting to be attacked but was instead greeted by a teary eyed shuichi.

"shuichi? What are you-"

"mmm me no like it hwere. Me wanna go home" he sobbed. I see. He must have slipped into little space. Poor kid.

"I know buddy but we'll get out of here soon I promise" I was lying of course. I had no idea if any of us could get out of here alive anymore "how about you come in"

I let him in and he sat down on my bed with a childish smile. He stared at me for a second.

"you look sad. Can I help?" I thought about it for a second. Talking to him about how I feel would be a safe bet since he won't remember anything after he comes out of littlespace.

"I did something terrible and instead of facing up to it I lied to everyone and said horrible things. Now they hate me and I don't know what to do about it"

"why don't you jwst tell the twurth" shuichi suggested.

"the truth" I muttered. It was such a foreign concept to me. I've always told lies. It's part of who I am but I've tried everything else. All my plans have failed. Maybe me telling the truth is the only thing that can save us now "that's not a bad idea kid. Maybe I'll try it out"

"yayyyy" shuichi said pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back tearfully.

This is it. Tomorrow I'm going to tell them everything and if they still hate me after that then so be it. No matter what though I'll definitely save everyone!

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now