Caretaker Kokichi!

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Shuichis pov

I  ran down the halls with tears in my eyes. I kept running until I tripped over something. That something was kokichi.

"hey watch where your going shu- hey are you crying" he almost looked worried for a second.

I burst into tears "waaaaaa! Makis being mean to me!"

"oh I get it! Your a little. Aren't you detective?" he grinned up at me.

I nodded "I want my daddy" I whimpered.

"your daddy huh? He wouldn't happen to be at this school would he?" kokichi asked.

"aha his names kiibo" I whimpered.

"Kiibos your daddy. How interesting" kokichi chuckled "alright little guy follow me!" I did what I was told and followed kokichi to his dorm.

There was a billboard with everyone's picture on it. He had things like trustworthy and untrustworthy written underneath. My picture had trustworthy with a question mark written beside it.

Kokichi put a blanket over the billboard "ok shuichi everything in this room has to remain our little secret alright?"

"alright!" I nodded with a smile.

"good boy" he said petting my head "I'm going to go get your daddy for you. You stay here and don't touch anything alright buddy?"


"good boy" he said leaving the room. I stayed still as a statue until kokichi came back with daddy.

"I can't thank you enough for taking care of shuichi in that state" daddy said gratefully.

"it's fine kiiboy you know you two are my favourite people" kokichi said winking at him.

"I don't know if I should believe that but I'm grateful anyway" he said taking my hand and leading me out.

"bye bye kokichi" I said waving to him.

"bye kid" he said waving back as we left the room.

"I don't know what to think of kokichi at this point. He's just so confusing" daddy sighed.

"I like him" I said smiling.

"Well I'm glad you do shuichi. You always see the good in people" daddy said petting my head.

I took his hand feeling alot better then I did before.

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now