A Day With Professor Ibadishi

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Shuichis pov

"ok shuichi today its going to be just you and me" grandpa Ibadishi grinned.

Today daddy was away at work and big bros kaito and kokichi couldn't take me so grandpas taking care of me!

"ok grandpa!" I said hugging him tightly.

"haha there's my boy!" he said ruffling my hair "now how would you like to help me in the lap?"

"yes please" I said bouncing around excitedly.

"alright my little lab partner let's get moving!" he said dragging me to the lab.

Once we got inside the lab grandpa Ibadishi hand me some goggles and gloves and we got to work. Grandpa only let me hand him things since I didn't know anything about robotics but I still had fun!

"you did very well today shuichi" grandpa Ibadishi said petting my head "how would you like some ice-cream as a reward?"

"I'd love some grandpa" I said clapping my hands excitedly.

"good boy" he said petting my head. He smiled gently at me "my life has been so much better since you and kiibo came back into my life. This old man's alot less lonely now"

"that's good grandpa" I said taking his hand.

"it is my boy" he said squeezing my hand gently "now let's get you that ice-cream"

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