First Annaversary

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Kiibos pov

I ran home with flowers in my hands. Today was me and shuichis first anniversary. Its crazy to think we've been together for a whole year now but it also feels right. Like we're meant to be.

I opened the door to find shuichi standing at the door with a mini robot that looked like me.

"happy first anniversary babe" shuichi said hugging me close.

"thanks shuichi. I can't believe you made a little me!" I chuckled.

"yeah well professor Ibadishi did helped alot" shuichi said blushing.

"anyway this is your present" I said holding out the flowers "it's not as cool as yours"

"don't say that! I think there beautiful" shuichi said sniffing the flowers. "I'm going to go put them in a vase"

"ok" I nodded.

I smiled as I watched him leave. God I love that boy!

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