Ice-cream Date

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Kiibos pov

We arrived at the towa city ice-cream parlor. I was pretty excited since I wasn't allowed ice-cream too often. My mom insisted that it would rot my despite me only being a child. She sure was a funny woman and I truly do miss her but at least I'm not alone anymore. I have kiibo now and he'll never leave me!

We went inside and picked out two ice-cream Sundays. We sat down and a waiter brought it out to us. It was so big and tasty looking!

"your so cute when your excited" kiibo giggled.

"Umm thank you" I said blushing slightly. Why do I always get so embarrassed around him!?

We dug in and it was as delicious as it looks! I ate to quickly though and ended up getting a brain freeze. He held me close and stroked my hair lovingly while I whimpered slightly.

He really does treat me like a kid but I guess I don't help my case!

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now