The Key

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Shuichis pov

I walked into the dining room to a chaotic mess.

Maki was trying to stab kokichi while kaito held her back. Himiko stood in front of him protectively while tsmugi went on about how much she shipped it. Gonta played with bugs like the pure boy he is and miu...

"mommy I love you!" monotaro said hugging her leg. Monotaro recently malfunctioned and when miu tryed to fix him he started insisting that miu is his mother. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet.

"ah shuichi your awake! Come take a seat" kiibo said patting the seat next to him. I smiled at him. Trust kiibo to keep things normal!

I sat next to him and we had a normal conversation. That is until Monokuma popped up.

"guess what guys. I thought of a new motive for you all!" the bear announced.

We all groaned. At this point we were tired of his crap!

"alright what is it this time you bucket of bolts" kaito demanded.

He pulled out a key "this key can open one door in the school. I wonder what door that could be?"

"yonk!" kokichi said pulling the key out of Monokumas paw and running away with it.

"kokichi get back here! Damn he's fast for a little guy" kaito muttered.

"I'm going to kill him" maki growled.

"you leave kokichi alone!" himiko demanded.

Maki rolled her eyes "I know your in love with him for some terrible reason but that doesn't mean you can excuse the bad things he does"

"you have no right to talk!" himiko yelled "your an assassin remember? Nothing kokichi could do could ever be worse than what you've done!"

"now now ladies let's calm down" kaito said gently.

"shut up kaito! Your only getting involved cause you love maki" himiko yelled.

"that's preposterous!" kaito said turning pink.

I put my hands over my ears. The yelling was really getting to me. Kiibo noticed this and wrapped an arm around me.

"come on shuichi. Let's take you back to your dorm"

I nodded gratefully and the two of us left the dining hall together.

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now