Feeling Hopeless

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Shuichis pov

Today was nothing but stressful. First I woke up in a strange place. Next I was told that me and the others were going to take part in a killing game. Then gonta found a underground tunnel and just when I thought we'd finally found a way out it just turned out to be a cruel joke.

I dragged my feet back to bed feeling myself regress. I needed to get back to my dorm before anyone sees me regress. I know I should trust them more but with the whole killing game thing going on I understandably feel a little wary.

I arrived at my room where I finally regressed.

"mmm I don't like this place" I whimpered crawling under the blankets. I always felt safer under the blankets.

It was  then I noticed my special teddy bear that mommy bought me before the terrible accident. There was a note attached to my teddy saying 'for shuichi'. How do they know about my special teddy? I made extra sure no one found out about him!

I decided it didn't matter and curled up under the blankets with teddy. I felt really lonely and sad. I wish I could play with keade or kiibo. That would be fun but I can't let them see me like this. They won't like me anymore if they do.

I whimpered slightly as I slowly fell asleep.

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now