A Day With Kokichi And Himiko

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Shuichis pov

"hehe hey kokichi" I said running up to Kokichi. I forgot how big I was though and accidentally knocked him over.

"hey little buddy" kokichi said ruffling his hair "you excited for the sleepover?"

"yep!" he giggled.

"now you call me whenever your feeling homesick ok shu?" daddy said gently.

"ok daddy!" I said giving him a hug goodbye.

Daddy hugged me back and gave me a kiss goodbye. Once he left himiko came out.

"shuichi I've planned a magic show for you to watch"

"ok sounds fun!" I giggled.

We went into the back room where the magic show was being held. I excitedly took a seat and the curtains opened showing kokichi and himiko.

"look shuichi I get to act as this beautiful ladys assistant. Aren't I lucky" kokichi grinned.

"stop it you!" she said smacking his arm with red cheeks. I wonder what that was about.

The magic show started and it was really cool! I don't know how himiko managed to do those tricks. She really must be magic!

The show ended and I clapped for them as they bowed.

"that was really cool himiko" I giggled.

"thank you shuichi" she smiled at me "now how about we snuggle down and watch a movie together"

"ok" I skipped to the living room.

Himiko picked out a movie while kokichi got lots of comfy pillows and blankets to snuggle into.

The movie started. Himiko and kokichi snuggled into each other the whole time. It's just like what me and daddy do. They must be in love!

Half way through the movie I got sleepy. I grabbed my teddy and held it close to my chest as my eyelids drooped.

I fell asleep with a peaceful smile on my face. This is the best sleepover ever!

Little detective (saiibo) (age Regression Au) Where stories live. Discover now