♡Ghidorah x human!reader♡

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Note:reader is female sorry dudes
Also reader is madison's big sister

Your pov

I was outside the base to relax and had free air and
I heard madison called my name "(Y/n)!(y/n)!" I turn my
Head to her "yeah?" "Do you wanna go to the forest today?
Y'know to have a picnic with dad and rick?and chen too?"
"Well i mean i had nothing better to do so..sure!"

"Hell yeah!"

"But!i had to bring him too maddie"

".......damn it"

"Thanks for having us love."

Ichi thanked me as i petted kevin's head "No prob ichi,i don't
Want you guys to feel lonely so why not invite you?"
I said and ghidorah smiled at me and just procide to nuzzle
At my head while purring softly,the three heads smiling
Widely as i giggled and smiled

Maddie,rick,and dad isn't too happy about this tho..
Ever since mom died we hold a deep hatred for ghidorah
But when i met him in the same forest we're having a picnic
I realized he isn't too bad.well..still bad but now he teams
Up with godzilla but only for the safety of me..and my
Remaining family,after a few months of me and him being
Friends we actually became lovers but we had to keep
It a secret but when everyone finds out about me
And ghidorah dad and maddie go full on overprotective

I sat down at the soft grass and felt the breeze passed through
My skin,my hair dancing wildly with the wind but that really
Do much as i just tied it up,i scratched ni's cheek as ghidorah
Was taking a nap.it was a really great day to have a picnic
With the ones i cared about...

Ghidorah was snoring peacefully while i smiled at him and
Kissed each heads "You know,it isn't too late to get married and
Have children you know?" Chen whispered at my ear i felt
My face flushed in red while chen smirked but yeah..rick,
Dad and maddie ain't having that crap "That's it.i'm gonna
Kill that son of an alien,ain't no way your gonna marry my
Daughter bish"

I restrained dad from killing ghidorah,maddie also tried to
Murder him but chen saved ghidorah rick of course also tried
To kill him too but i rushed to him and bashed his head with
My shoe,got that from mom hehehe...

After a while,ghidorah woked up and yawned he saw me
Eating a sandwhich and madison was sleeping in my lap,
He hated that the fact that madison's my sister.of course
Since she was the one who had the guts to yelled at him
So yeah..ghidorah also hold a deep hatred to madison,he
Then leans to me and kevin looked at me with pleading
Eyes and i playfully role my eyes and gaved him a whole

Ni glared at madison definitely jealous of madison,since she
Got lay her head in my lap and the fact she can do that but
They can't!yeah ni has the deepest grudges ever,ichi then lean
Over to me and i raised a brow

"So....any thoughts of children?"

And right then and there i had choked myself,because
Of that.

And my family of course again tried to murder the hydra
Dragon,not wanting me to get married to him.

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