♡Yandere!ghidorah x moth kaiju!reader♡

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Warning:Blood,murder,mentions of nsfw and yandere behavior


You're pov

I was talking to my friend anguirus,chatting happily about
Waht good things happend yesterday or now but i can not help
The feeling of eyes staring at me,i then turn my head to see
Ghidorah but he looked like he's only ignoring the shouts of
Everyone in the forest.i raised a brow and shrug it off.

After the day,i walked home not using my wings.i only had two
Reasons why (1. My home is just near the trees and (2. There is no
Use of to fly over there when it's already close by,but..why do
I had this dread feeling..?like someone is staring straight at me.
Never leaving it's eyes at me,it's like there eye's glued to me.


I shook my head taking those fearful thoughts out my head when
It is still stuck in the back of my head!i slightly shiver and
Quickly headed home not even glancing at my back.i made it
Back home safely but i can still feel the eyes staring at me.
And i'm pretty sure i won't forget this feeling.

The next day was very strange,i always saw ghidorah staring at
Me and suddenly shoving all of my fellow kaijus on purpose and
Most importantly,literally giving me gifts for some reason.and
I was incredibly disturbed by this,like why in the world would
He do this?it's not like he's worth in love since he too admitted
That.but seriously..why the hell is he so weird?

I was so disturbed that i purposely ignored him for the rest
Of the week,a few days had passed and ghidorah suddenly
Vanished and...i feel so relieved.maybe he tried to atleast think
On what he was doing?well i really don't know but i sure hope
It's not bad.

But it was much worse...much worse than i thought.

Ghidorah wasn't the one to accept this,never.he had been looking
At you giving the other males attention and gritted his teeth in
Pure anger.why the hell did you even pay attention to some
Pathiec and worthless fools,and not him?he was devastated in
Anger and was upset on why are you ignoring him but he
Won't let anyone get in his way.no one will get in his way.no one.

No one's pov

As you walked at the forest you heard a screech,you raised a
Brow and followed the noise on where ever it as you then heard
A loud roar and you covered you're antennaes,finally it stopped.
You looked at where the roar is but widened you're eyes as
You saw godzilla's dead body covered in blood,anguirus's head
Was ripped off from his body and the body of gigan was
Covered in devastating injuries that caused his death.i gasped
And i knew ghidorah hear,i flew away and fast!

I know he noticed me and will go after me so i had to escape,i
Made sure i flew island to island so he'll be confused on where
I am and where did i go..i'm in greenland and i sighed in relief
When i got away from him..but then i was pinned down to a
Tree and i saw ghidorah,i widened my eyes in fear and screamed
He hushed me softly and he smirked,his gold eyes glowing in
The dark.

I felt bullets of sweat as the middle head ichi,lean down to my
Face and jammed his teeth against my skin as i yelped and screamed
In pain,the other two heads smirked and knows they finally had
What take what belongs to them.me...i was the one who there
Obsessed with.and i hated it,yet i can't do anything...but
What's worse is,i belong to them.


*4 months later*

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