♡Battra x Male!moth kaiju!reader♡

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Warning:A little bit of cursing

Also you are a comet moth and please if you
Don't know what kind of moth is that please search
It up in google


No one's pov

Battra was in a forest grumbling and cursing underneath his
Breath,he was flying just around the forest until he heard a
Voice.he widened my eyes and looked around on where the
Voice is and it was just on the west side,he flew over there and
He hide behind a tree and saw a gorgeous moth male...he
Was golden yellowy with amber orange shades to his wings
But his eyes were a beautiful color of (f/c),he had never
Seen such a beautiful male..

And the weirdest part is..that he is a male..this can't be happening,
Him falling for a kaiju with the same gender is truly ridiculous!
He growled,but didn't notice that you had notice his black and
Red wings you giggled "I can see you" he flinched and blushed
In embarassment "you can come out,i will not harm you.i
Promise" you told him wanting to get out of his hiding place
But other than that he scoffed "And what do you think i'm
Afraid of you,heh!do you think i'm a coward!?"

You furrowed you're brows "no,of course not.i just want to see
If your a foe,or a friend.now come,please show yourself" you
Said with your voice sweet as honey trying to swoon in trying
To gain his trust and it seemingly and narrowly worked.he
Groaned and stepped away from the tree,you saw him and
You did not know why but he had this aura of being powerful
Yet it hold a gentle but stubborn kindness just beneath that
Scowling face.

You smiled at him and stepped closer to him,and now you
Noticed you were just atleast 4 inches taller than him and
It may break his pride a little bit but nonetheless he was
Blushing since you were now face to face with him and
This causes the black moth blush beat red and you noticed,
And this makes you chuckle a bit and he raises a brow
"What?" "Oh nothing,just..i think you got a bit red there~"
You teased him and his face got even redder and told you
To fuck off and you chuckled once again

"Well,anyway why are you here?you don't look injured or
Anything so,explain on why are you here,dear sir?" You
Asked him and your voice was incredibly sweet but it was
Also elegant and graceful as you were quite formal with
Him "Well,i was just got in an arguement with my sister.
She wanted me to be good but i got mad and well..may had
Harm her but i regret it that i hurt her but my pride
Getting in my way i flew away not wanting to apologize"

He told you and you frowned "Darling as much as i want
You to apologize,you had decisions to make.you had a choice
If you wanted to apologize or not,you decide.imagine if
You don't then it might just break your relationship with your
Sister,but if you choose to apologize then your sister can
Forgive you and your relationship can stay at will." You
Explain to him and he looked astonished and looked away
And you sighed "like i said,it is your choice to decide.not
Me,i just gave you an explainatio on what might happen.
So..choose wisely dear."

You were right.he needs to decide but..it was obvious that
He must apologized,he nodded and suddenly embraced you
And this movement causes you to blushed and you did not
Know what to do and just wrapped around you arms
Around him,after he is done embracing you he bow down
To you a bit and thanked you.he had never been grateful
All his life "thank you once again,i appreciated it.but..is
It fine if i can visit you again?" He asked you with cheeks
Red once more and you smiled with your cheeks also
Red "i see why not,come again as you wish as i'm always
Here to greet you"

And this was how you met the stubborn but maybe gentle
Battra,and how you and him fall in love at first chat and
It may had changed your life,but it was worth it.your life
Is alot better with him,your battra.♡

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