♡Ghidorah(ichi) x skull crawler!reader♡

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Warning:Blood and little bit of cursing

No one's pov

Right now,ghidorah is in a cave trying to rest after yet another
Battle from godzilla and his friends,the middle head,ichi growled
At the thought of that and simply rants,ni the left head was
Also mad about this but lay his head on the soft grass while the
Left head,san/kevin is quite sad seeing his brothers so angry
And kept quiet for as he doesn't want to get in trouble

Ichi growled,and lay his head down and so does kevin and
Fall asleep,but not ichi since he was busy waiting for someone
And when he heard noises coming towards him he turn his
Head to see his mate,(y/n)..a skull crawler.yes you heard me

His mate was indeed a skull crawler.an enemy to kong and she
Is incredibly strong and dangerous due to many scars she had
During battles,she is also the leader or more so an alpha to the
Skull crawlers since she was slightly larger and more
Intimidating looking than the others and is the forever foe
To the king of skull island,kong.

He saw her walking towards him but kept her steps quiet since
She didn't want the other two to wake up,her and ichi kept it as
A secret since he didn't want his beloved to get in danger,not
When she's already faced with kong and she had lost for years
Yet she never submit to his demands,he looked at her eyes
Staring at those gorgeous (e/c) orbs,oh he could stare at them
All day!

But..he noticed that she had more scars than usual and he
Growled lowly "Did that stupid ape do that to you..?" He asked
In a very dark voice and she sighed annoyed that she had
Yet lost another battle "Sadly,yes..that monkey just got alot
More stubborn and more stubborn for the past few months..
Ugh!" She complained but makes sure her voice isn't too
Loud,ichi frowned and lean over to his mate's face the female
Was quite confused by this but then ichi licked her blood
Clean off making the female blush beat red,her eyes softened
And after he licked her scars clean,she gave her mate a
Kiss to the cheek

She then lay down to his side,maybe cuddle for a while until
Ichi's brothers woke up,after at least 30 minutes the head began
To wake up the female noticed and immediately run away,
Ichi was a little sad to see his mate run away but he knows
That they really need to keep it a secret for their sake but soon..
They will reveal there relationship together..just not today..

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