♡Human!ghidorah x Model!reader♡

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Warning:Slight mentions of insecurity of body and some
Cyber bullying oh?you don't like then skip it

Author's note:In here ghidorah had three bodies
So like,ichi is still kinda a jerk and he's a ceo of a very big
And succesful company.ni is his assistant and kevin is..idk
But yeah,there.


You're pov

As i catwalk in the stage where everyone had there eyes on me,
They had there eyes glued as they stare in awe by my beauty.
I posed and everyone cheered and i left the stage,it was no
Bonker that i was miss korea(i am sorry if your not korean
But for the sake of the oneshot,deal with it)as i was about to
Left the stage i got asked by many fans to sign them an
Autograph with my magazines reaching for me,i sighed and

I signed all of them autographs and left,a car pull over and
I saw ni "yo." "Hello,ni." He opened he door and i walked in
Of course without the screams of fangirls and boys,ni
Chuckled "You're gaining more fans since last month huh?"
"Hmm.." we drove back home and we finally get there
"Is ichi still working?" "Yeah,he'll be back home late since
They had a meeting for the night." I hum "i see.." i then
Saw kevin running towards me and embraced me in a
Tight hug.i smiled and patted his head "hi,(y/n)!how was
Your day?was it nice?was it bad?we can cuddle if you
Want!" I giggled and told him it's fine i just need a little
Bit of rest since my feet is sore from the heels.

He nodded and puts me down,i told them i'm going to
Bed and they all nodded and i headed to my room.as i
Went inside i changed my golden shimmering dress to a
More comfortable clothes,i checked my phone and
Went to stargram to check on my account and as expected
I saw alot of fans complementing me..but..it wasn't
Always nice since i can see perverted comments and
Insults saying that i'm a whore,a slut who just used plastic
Surgery to get money..some even told me i was a fake
Model and just die already.

Nothing but a disgusting fuck toy for men..i narrowed my
Eyes and clicked my tongue and blocked them.i sighed
And went to check other apps but..the words they said got
Stuck in my mind making me sigh deeply and turn off my
Phone..i decided to take nap to clear off my mind and
So i closed my eyes and headed to dream land.

*An hour later..*

I groaned,my eyes opening and i yawn.i checked at the
Time and it was already 1:00 am..is ichi home yet?maybe,
Maybe not.

I sighed and felt my throat dry so i headed into the kitchen,
While i pour myself a glass of water i didn't notice ichi
Finally coming home and he suprised me by embracing
Behind.i yelped and he chuckled "hello love,how are you?
Isn't quite late for you to be awake in this hour?" I looked
At him and replied "Well same thing goes to you hun,me
And kevin are worried you would come home alot late.!"
He slightly roll his eyes and nuzzled at the crook of my
Neck making me let out a quiet giggle.

I kissed him on the cheek until the memories of the
Comments of my body went back into my mind..i shudder by
The thought of that and rubbed my arm making ichi look at me
With worried eyes "darling..is something wrong?" I shook
My head "no..everything is fine dear.." my voice was soft
And too quiet to be heard but ichi heard it all making him
Embrace me even tighter.

He then sternly said "love,i know you are lying.is something
Wrong?what cause you to be upset my dear.?please tell me.i
Cannot bear to see you sad."

His voice was as soft as a feather making me sigh and told
Him maybe we can discuss this on the living room.he nodded
And we headed there and i sighed,not sure if i should really
Tell him but,what choice do i really have?i took a deep
Breath before i explained him at the mean insulting comments
On my account on stargram.he was listening to every word
And each and every second i tell him,he had a..dark face
Looking to murder those who said those comments at me.

"Ichi..i know your mad but-you can't just full on murder
Them just because they're insulting me.just expose them
Or humilate them.but do not murder them. ..........ichi??"
My words didn't even reach him as he already has a plan
To kill those who dared insult me.he told me to go to bed
Since he has some.."bussiness" to do.

"Ichi-" "my dear please just go and have some rest,i'll be
Back!promise!" He said and gave me a quick peck on the
Cheek and i sighed,there truly is no way to get him out
Of his dangerous thoughts,huh?.....just hope he didn't
Call his brothers to join them.


ichi:*Shaking both his brothers awake*

Ni:uuggh.!ichi wth do you want?!

Kevin:Mm..big brother,what do you-

Ichi:(Y/n) had been cyber bullied by some scums in the
Internet and i want you TWO help me.

Ni and kevin:...

Ni and kevin:Don't mind if we do..

And so your boyfriends went on a bloodbath on those
Insulted you and you all live happily ever after,the end!

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