♡Sad!Godzilla x serpent kaiju!reader♡

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Warning:mentions of death


You're pov

I was talking with anguirus happily as the time passes by,suddenly
I saw godzilla walking towards the forest and raised a brow.he
Looked....quite gloomy making me frown i asked anguirus about it
And he gave me a pensive look "well..ever since mothra died.and
Well get killed by ghidorah..he's been deppressed ever since.mothra's
Death caused everyone to be mildly deppressed but godzilla took

I frowned and looked at the giant lizard as he walked towards the
Forest,i excused myself and followed godzilla into the forest.i
Slither making sure i don't make a single noise,he then stopped at
His tracks and sat down.

He looked at the sun,but since it's getting late at the afternoon the
Sun was setting down but that still didn't make the sun getting even
Brighter and it sutely reminds him of..mothra.he blamed himself
For her death as i hear him mumble apologies and unleashed a
Side of him that people never see.i widened my eyes in suprise as
I see him pour salty tears but it was quickly replaced with pity.
I felt so sorry for him,he must have feelings for her but since she
Died he never get to tell them...

I furrow my brows and headed towards him,he flinched and saw
Me "hey goji.." "...........oh hey.how've you been (y/n)?" I told him it was
Pretty nice just talked to anguirus and stuff like that and he nodded.
I then asked him about mothra and he looked at me with wide eyes
And i let out a deep sigh "godzilla...we know what you've been
Through and we pretty much did too.the death of our queen was
Incredibly devastating but...we had to move on too,in order to
Let go we need to let go of her death.."

"And i'm not saying we should forger her but we should continue
On how our lives been,either good or bad we need to remember the
Amazing sacrifice of our queen.the bright light that will forever
Live on us..isn't that what she want?" I told him in a firm and smooth
Voice causing him to blush cherry red and looked away embarassed
At his cherry red face.i giggled and had my tail at his shoulder like
An arm wrapped around you're shoulder,he and i smiled as we
Both watched the sun set...seeing the beauty of our queen...

"And that is how i actually caught feelings at you're father."
I told my children halo and evia,in the bright future i had never
Expected that me and godzilla actually get together and more so
Get married.there eyes sparkled and scream as they thought
Our story was the most romantic story written in all of time.

I chuckled as soon as godzilla arrived "what did i miss?" I turned
My head and smiled "goji!" "Daddy!!" They ran up to there father
And embraced him in a tight embrace,godzilla gladly returned it
As i slither my way to him and gave him a tender kiss at the lips.
Me and him chuckled as halo gagged and evia squealed,halo
Told me and his father to never kiss infront of him again,even
If he liked the story of me and godzilla,evia rolled her eyes

"Oh stop being such a drama queen" "hey atleast i'm a queen."

"Alright kids enough,it's already past your bedtime due to you two
Wanting to wait for papa.well now he's here go back to bed.we had
Alot of things to do tommorow" i told them and they nodded,
They both run to there bedroom leaving me and godzilla alone at
The living room.

He then wrapped his arms around my waist and i looked at him
"Tired?" He hums and i brought him at the couch and lets him hug
Me for awhile as i wonder how the past went..if we didn't end up
With each other but we can never go back but,the brighter the
Light the warmer the future is..and i'm happy i happen to marry

I gave him a kiss at the forehead and he smiled and looked me at
The eyes "never thought i would ever marry you in the future..
But whatever,i'm glad i did..cause i think i just had the light of my
Life." He told me his voice smooth like honey making me giggle
"How clichè my love..but i am glad too.since you're the love of
My life.." he laughed "that's alot clichè than mine."

"Well atleast it's better than yours"

"It is not!"

"It is,don't try and deny it.." i then gave him a kiss before he
Carries me to the bedroom,and the night was very warm as we
Bought cuddled in the midnight..i closed my eyes as my mind
Thought about the happy memory of me and godzilla..the memory
Of our marriage.♡

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