♡Godzilla x child!kaiju!reader♡

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You're pov

I was playing in my cave with auntie mothra taking care of me
Since papa is busy again.i looked at her as she hummed a song but
I really wanted to ask her about mama..should i?i think for a moment
And i decided to ask her!i walked towards her and tugged on her
Wing,she was a little suprised and she turn to me with a smile "yes
Dearie,do you need something??" "Yup!" I nodded and she giggled
On how adorable i am.

"Do you know how mama isn't here with me and papa?"

And right in that moment,she dropped the things she was
Holding as she stared at me wide-eyed she was nervously sweating
Trying to explain but she horribly stutters all the time "w-well..your
Mother..(y/n)..she,well..s-she uhm,she uh-" "hey mothra" i turn my
Head to see papa!my eyes shine in excitement as i ran to him
And gave him a tight hug!

"Welcome home papa!" He smiled "Thanks buttercup,how was
You're day.??" I told him it was great but it would've been greater if
He was here with me "ooh~really?" "Mmhm!" He pets my head as
He told me to play in my room for a minute and i nodded,i ran
Back to my bedroom as he laughed "she's really such an energetic
Girl,huh right mothra?" But she didn't answer "mothra?"

Mothra looked at godzilla with a stern and worried face making
Him questioned the moth woman,she looked at the ground for a
Moment and looked back at him until she asked:"when are you
Gonna tell her?" That sentence took him back as he stared at her
She furrowed her brows as she asked again "how are you gonna
Tell her that she died?in the war?when godzilla??" He was silent for
Several moments until he shooked his head "not yet but not now.."

He looked at the ceiling as he didn't forget the day that his mate
Die..on the war between gods and kings,ghidorah killed her and just
Thinking about that drenched three-headed bastard made him
Grit his teeth in anger.he then looked at mothra as he told her that
He is gonna tell you in the right time,but not now..and he promised
One thing..that he will never lose you like how he lost her..

Not his mate..not his child...not the ones he loved.never.

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