♡Kiryu x Bioligist!reader♡

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Warning:Mild cursing

(Also this is kinda short :/)


You're pov

I was in my office writing in my desk,as i study this skull
Gifted by kiryu.yes..me and him are lovers,indeed,a shocker
I know but he also gives me odd gifts like teeth of different
Creatures,blood of a different color and of course the most
Common gift:a damn skull..yeah.

Mostly dinosaur skulls which is impressive!and ever since he
Gave one,i was recognized by almost everyone in the whole
World!i was very grateful because of him..and he gaved me a kiss
Later on..but right now,where is he?he hasn't contacted me
For three days now.hmm,is he busy?or was he commanded by
His masters again?eh..just hoped he isn't trying to kill a guy
Who just flirted with me a while ago.

But oh dear boi,i should've not jinxed that!'cause when i get
Home,i saw him outside of my balcony torturing the poor guy!
I mean the guy knows boundaries and personal space!and
He wasn't a perv!why the hell is he making the dude suffer!
I got the man safe and home safely and scolded kiryu for that.

"What was that for kir!?" I shouted and he grits his teeth "he
Was flirting with you!besides..wasn't he making you
Uncomfrotable!?like he thinks for you're a fucking slut (y/n)!!"
I never facepalmed so hard "he isn't!he knows how to quit
Kiryu!and he never called me that!oh god.." i responed and
He huffed "that's what i heard" "goddamn it,kiryu-for the love
Of god just stop getting jealous easily!" "I can't!" "And why not!?"

Even though he made the most stupidiest reasons to be
Jealous,i still love this metal head..♡

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