♡Ghidorah x reader♡

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Note:You live in a forest in a tree house you built
All by yourself.


No one's pov

You were peacefully playing the harp,as you were playing
It you heard heavy footsteps that cause the ground to shake
A bit,you smiled when you know he is here.you turn your
Head to see ghidorah,yes,this is the guy you had been
Dating for...maybe for a few months,you gave him a closed
Eyed smile and this causes the three-headed dragon to blush
Ichi the middle head looks away so you can't see his red
Face,ni the right head just told you to stop smiling saying
It's disgusting but you know it's just his nature to tell you
That since he's such a big tsundere,and lastly kevin/san
Is simply smiling with pink tinted cheeks,you giggled and
Told them to sat by your side

As they sat beside you,you play each head a tune,for ichi
The tune was graceful,elegant and majestic and he smiled
Knowing he likes-no,loves it

For ni he had a more rough but calm tune,it was relaxing and
Is perfect if you had a hangover,but for ni only thats what he

And lastly for san/kevin he had a sweeter and playful tune,he
Loves it when you always play lullabies by using your harp and
You smiled when he show that toothy grin of his.

As the hours pass by,it was already night time and you had just
Noticed,you stand telling them it was already late they slightly
Frown but nodded anyways..you then gesture for them to
Get closer to you and you placed each head a kiss,you smiled
At them and give them flying kiss

They blushed beet red,ni was being a ranting tsundere,ichi was
Astonished and kevin was smiling like a 12 year old had a crush..

They wave and you waved back at your balcony and saw them
Flew away but as they reac the sky you saw that they created a
Lightining storm with letters that say 'Farewell,my mate♡'
You blushed and smiled like a dork and give them one last
Flying kiss and they blushed once again..

Such a loving mate even tho he's a dangerous threat,but
Even so you didn't care,why?he's your melody.that's why~♡

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