♡Ghidorah x godzilla brother!reader♡

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Warning:a little bit of cursing,oh?you don't like
It?then skip it.

Key word:

(F/n) = friend's name


You're pov

You were holding a love letter as you groaned for the fourth
Time and sighed and roll over to your bed "still thinking about
That?" "Mmm.." you're best friend (f/n) pointed a finger at you
As he/she told you that you need to confess now or else godzilla
Aka you're big bro is gonna kill him.i groaned knowing he would
Totally do that since..you know,he tried to kill him and take
Over the kingdom so i don't know why and how am i crushing
On him!

I sighed and looked at the love letter and sighed again,(f/n)
Looked at me and placed a hand on my shoulder i glanced at
Him/her and he/she smiled at me ressuring me "hey don't
Worry maybe he will reject you but there are still some good
Kaijus out there that may not break you're heart.seriously if
That guy rejects you he doesn't know what he's missing!"
He/she assured me and i smile a little and told them alright..
I guess it won't be bad,but still rejection sucks.

I sighed and to not be a wuss anymore and just get this over with,if
I got rejected whatever!but if he accepts my confession..then what
Would he say?just thinking about it made my cheeks blush as i
Fantasize about it until it was ruined by (f/n) "hey!don't fantasize
'Bout it and get going!" He/she said as she/he kicked me out of my
Own house,i groaned..sometimes they can be a pice of shit of a

I headed over to the forest and i got distracted by the flowers and i
Headed over there to get one,as i did i noticed a familiar silhouette.
It was ghidorah!but..he was argueing with his otuer heads?but why?
I headed closer with of course being quite so i can know why are
They argueing about until i heard this:

"This is the last time ni,we are not confessing!"

My heart broke in to many pieces as it felt that i got stabbed by a
Knife,he...loved someone else?i knew this confession is just a waste
Of time!he already loved someone!of course..why would he love
Me?the brother of the one who turned him to dust at his feet?he
Wouldn't..i sighed deeply as i was about to walk away until
Kevin yelled.

"But brother,would you like someone else to love him?!"
Him?so ghidorah is into boys,oh well..that's really not my bussiness

"No!well-not really but why the hell would he love us if his
Brothers with him!"

"Ichi we know that but can we-"

"Can we atleast try to confess to him!even if we gained rejection!
We can finally let this pathiec feelings go!since i'm tired of
Looking at him without blushing.." the middle head ichi glanced
At his right head and sighed "fine..i'll let our pride slip for this
Once..now let's go to see (y/n)." And right at that moment i
Widened my eyes i turned my head to see him about to head
Off until i stepped out of my hiding spot "what?" And that causes
A mini heart attack at the three heads.

They turned to see me with a bright red blush as i stared at them
Wide eyed,kevin began to panick,ni is silent while having an internal
Screaming,ichi doesn't know what to do for once.."you were
Planning to confess to me?" "I-well!no..i mean yes!but..-" i chuckled
And headed towards them and asked them if do they really like me?

Ichi and ni gone tsundere mode while kevin just shouted a happy
'Yes' while they yelled at him "ahahaha..that's really nice to know,
Since..i like ya too." They looked at me and i suprised to them with
A kiss to each head while one of them had different reactions,one
Was yelling at me with a red face,one was silent and one was a
Happy adorable dork...ghidorah then wrapped his wings at my waist
As i blushed and embraced him as well.

"Love you...ghidorah.♡"

"Hehehe..hm,we love you too (y/n)♡"

We looked at eachother and we gave oursleves a tender kiss.


As we pulled apart we heard a yell "GHIDOORAAAAAAHH!!"
Me and ghidorah turn our heads and we saw a very angry godzilla
With his eyes glowing blue and so is his back "The fuck are you
Doing to my bro,you damn BASTARD SON OF A BITCH!!GAAAH!"
He chased ghidorah around until mothra,rodan and anguirus
Stopped him "calm down big g!he's already at that age he's good
To date now!"

"Yeah dude!can you let him do what he wants for once?"



"Ghidorah stop it!he's gonna kill you!!"

Yup...you're brother founds out you're gone and literally
Threatens to kill you're best friend to tell him where you gone
To,but thank the gods they didn't tell him yet...he manage to
Found you and ghidorah.and he ain't HAPPY that he saw
You and ghidorah kissing.


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