♡King kong x child!reader♡

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Your pov

I was walking through the forest,i was lost and i didn't
See mommy nor uncle alex..i frowned as i go deeper in
The woods,i hugged my stuff animal as i go alot deeper
In the forest.

I saw the trees getting bigger and bigger as i go deeper,it
Was pretty unsettling but i have to find my family!

Who cares if these trees are getting bigger i could care less!
But as i took another step i heard a growl...i stopped walking and
Frozed..what was..that?i gulped and slowly turn my head to
Who or what caused that growl but as the moment i turn
My head something ran passed me,it was fast!

Alot faster that i can only see a blur!i tripped and turn my head
Again to see but i only make eye contact with a creature i can't
Really think of name to describe it.it was huge!i was an ant
Comparission to it,i slowly back away but the creature
Charged at me and i screamed on the top of my lungs

I ran as quickly as i can to get away from this monster!i turn my
Head at the back and the creature was following me so i can be
It's next meal,oh god no!i am not gonna die tonight!not

I ran and ran as my legs are getting tired,i slowly lose my speed
And heard the beast getting closer and there is no way but to
Hide now and so i did.i hide on one of the large tree logs and
I covered my mouth to muffle my breathing,the tree log
Has small gaps that is barely seen so i look through them just
To see if the creature is gone or not!

The creature was looking and sniffing around the log,it then
Made it's way to the log and my heart started to race!it was
About to crushed the log until a roar was heard,the creature
Turn it's head to the other creature and roared back it
Moved it's way to the other creature.i waited for a few
Minutes to make sure if it's gonna come back or not.

After waiting for a minute i got out of the log,i then
Quickly run away but a large feet just appeared infornt of
Me and i look up to see the large creature fighting with
An incredibly large monkey!

I looked at them in awe until a voice called me


I saw mommy and uncle alex!i felt tears in my eyes as
I an to mommy and uncle "Mommy!uncle!" "Oh (y/n).."
Mommy rushed to me and immediately pull me to a tight
Hug "Oh (y/n)!i was so worried!i thought you were dead
But thank the gods,you are alive!"

I sniffed "Me too mom!also look!" I pointed at the direction
Where the giant monkey and the big lizard-like creature is and
They widened there eyes like saucers and my mother carried
Me to the helicopter,as my mother carried me i saw the
Big monkey repeatedly hurts the creature and finishes it
With a bone crushing jaw break.

I widened my eyes,my family entered the helicopter and
Flew away,but i went to a opening to see the monkey eye to
Eye.i waved at him while smiling and mouthing a silent
'Thank you' suprisingly he waved back and pound his chest
In pride,he roared as we flew back to our home.

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