♡Ghidorah x human!reader♡

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Nobody's pov

"I never intend to let you go..~not the that time i had
To see you cry..

I never want to hurt you so badly..~i never want you to
Love another..

I never even want to make you cry..~not until i apologized.
I never want to see you so painful,until the day,you die~"

Everyone clapped as the performance you just did was
Miraculous!you smiled as you waved and thanked the audince
And bow down as they cheered loudly,after you sang one
Of your famous songs,you had meet up with your manager
"Hey (l/n),your boyfriend is here" he pointed with his thumb
At the back,you smiled and you nodded

You took off your coat and run headidng towards the forest,
Right there you saw your kaiju boyfriend,he was one of the
Mightiest and strongest titans,his name was king ghidorah!
He lean down with his other heads,he smiled and you
Returned the smile.

"That was such a great performance,(y/n)."

"Yeah ichi is right!you sure was damn awesome,babe!"

"You were amazing sweetheart!your singing was so cool!"

You giggled and blushed at there compliments as you pull
A strand of your hair to your ear,you thanked them and
Asked if they have time for a couple of while and of course
Since they loved you so much,they agreed.

You two chatted for an hour until your boss told you it's
For an interview,ni groaned as he was having his time with
You,ichi glared at your boss for interupting your conversation
With him,and lastly kevin frowned sadly,upset that you
Had to spend more time with your fans.

You sighed "Alright boss,be there in a sec,just wait for
A little while" "alright but hurry,your fans is gonna go berserk
If they don't met you" you nodded as he walks away,you
Noticed that ichi and ni were growling at your boss and
Kevin upset by you having to leave so soon,you frowned
And motion them all to get closer to you

They all got closer and lean foward to you,but as soon as they
Did they were greeted by a kiss from you,you kissed each
One of the heads while smiling brightly,the three heads are
Now red for you just had to kiss them so suddenly!kevin
Was hiding his red face with his wing,ichi looked away
So noone can see his incredibly red face,as for ni,he was
Yelling and ranting since he was the tsundere of all the

You giggled as you give each of them kisses again and waved
"Well,see you in the balcony?" "Yes.we'll go there to visit you
Love" "see you soon (n/n)!" "Be sure not to be late or else!"
"Yeah,yeah i know!byee!" You waved goodbye and they waved

You can not wait to spend more time with them at the balcony!

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