♡Kiryu x pilot!reader♡lime

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Warning:some sexual content,a little bit of blood
And cursing


You're pov

Me and my team was ordered by the captain to hunt
Down kiryu!he explained on how he was made by the
Old godzilla bones by aliens or something and he had human
Emotions like any person had?huh?interesting...i was in
My fighter jet and we all flew and headed to where kiryu

After atleast  minutes we found him,he was destroying the
City of korea,i glared at him and told my teams to fire in the
Right moment,they nodded and we flew closer to the robot
Kiryu.he saw us and fired his missiles at us,we flew away but
The missiles are following us,i told one of my team mates to
Lead one missile to another to explode it,i grinned and plan
To lure kiryu away from the city.

I told my crewmates and they agreed,i lured kiryu away from the
City but that was a terrible mistake...we ended up in a  forest
And i frowned,i manage to lure him away but i'm kinda lost...
Suddenly he fires his missiles at me and this causes to damage
My jet,i pull a lever and got thrown away from the jet,i pull
My parachute,i got down safely but then an explosion was
Caused just behind me

I felt my face paled....i slowly turn my head to my back and my
Eyes widened.half of the forest was on fire..i gasped but
Before i can even speak up a missile was blown just a few
Meters away from me but the explosion was huge so it
Caused me to be blown away.

I hit the ground but..,my head hurts alot,it was painfully throbbing..
I groaned and placed a palm on my head but i felt liquid..i widened
My eyes when i felt the liquid pouring down my face..i had my
Throat caught up as i was frozen when i saw blood on my palm.
I gasped..what in the fuck!?shit..i'm bleeding!i grabbed my
Walkie talkie to contact one of my comrades but none of them
Answered..come on pick up!i tried countless times to atleast
Contact them but no avail

I then heard footsteps coming towards me,i turn my head and
Saw kiryu coming towards me.shit!i gotta run,fast!i furiously stand
Up and ran but i dtill felt that kiryu is still ahead of me,i didn't
Want to turn back!hell no!

I kinda trip but i can still run,i felt my heart racing as each footstep
Of kiryu take,i had never been this terrified!never in my life!
But now i know how real fear had built.

I don't want to die!

That sentence chant in my head as i try to get away from the
Monster behind me.but then,a large metal hand grabbed me!shit!
He got me!i struggled trying to get away from this bitch's grip
But no avail.he stared at me,and released the grip on me but
I was still in his palm,but it was good since i almost passed out
Due to the grip on my waist and stomach.

The tin can looked at me and cocked his head to the side and
I was visibly...a little weirded out,he then smirked and ripped my
Pants off.i gasped and widened my eyes,my cheeks burning
Out of emberassment,what the hell is this asshole doing!?he
Then spreads my legs WIDE.

I tried to close them back but no avail,i tried and tried yet
It's no use..!he then opens his mouth revealing a strangely slimy
Tongue!i widened my eyes.......don't tell me he's gonna-

And he did,he shoves his slimy tongue into my cunt!he was
Eating me out like a starved man!i cover my mouth to muffle
My moans..but..it didn't much worked since i feel incredible
Pleasure from this,this!disgusting robot!

I kept moaning for him disgracing myself,i felt hot tears pouring
Down my cheeks as this monster proceed to rape me.after
What felt like hours he finally stopped,i came easily fast but
That stopped him from eating me out like a bitch!

I panted and huffed out of exhaustion and he slowly walked away,
My legs tremble and shiver at the touch of the grass and my legs
Wet,i can't believe i was actually getting wet from...that!

I heavily sighed and crawl away from the monster,i had no
Thoughts but why did that motherfucker raped me!why..?but
What ever his intentions is...gotta be....something but for now.
I gotta wait for them,i pull my legs to my chest and hugged
Them,my eyes slowly closing,drifting to sleep.

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