♡Godzilla x male!ice dragon kaiju!reader♡

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Warning:A little bit of blood


Your pov

I was panting,quite exhausted from the fight i was in,blood
Prickled through my shoulder and i felt it drip down at the floor
As i shudder and looked at it,tsk!this stupid radioactive lizard
Is testing my patience!

If you asked on how did i get into this situation well,i'm in space
You see and i was a good friend of ghidorah and one day he
Just disappeared all of a sudden without a clue,and after for
Like centuries he had made a call,i heard it and i immediately
Followed the call on where he is and i ended up in earth.i landed
On earth and i saw a city so damaged that it was just crumbled
Dust and when i was about to fly THIS stupid lizard just attacked

I don't know why but i didn't try to fight back as i don't want no
Trouble,but he keeps insisting on fighting me and so i grew annoyed
And just submit to it and fought back,right now i blasted my ice
Beam attack as thousands of ice spikes flew right to him in full
Speed.he dodged and tackled me to a building



I glared at him as felt my cheek was sliced through a sharp
Object,i let out low growls at him and he growled back but he
Stared at me for a moment and he smirked with his cheeks
Tinted pink "Ya know..for a space dude,you're quite pretty..
So how about we go somewhere and start making the ground
Quake?y'know have a little bit of fun instead of destruction."

He flirted and i blushed,my pinks are now a deep shade of
Red and i had my mouth agaped at him,did..d-did he really just
Try to flirt with me even though he randomly attacked me
Just moments ago,but as pissed i am by just thinking about
That maked me had a sadistic grin creeped on my face

"Sure...ehehehe..how about we go to my place?.."

"Your place?sounds like a plan!so..uh where is it?and
How do we get there beautiful?"

I just looked at him with my sadisticly sweet grin and kicked

"Hmph!stupid lizard.............am i really pretty tho?"

"Okay,lizard.are you alright?"

"Kinda've..damn..you really kick hard huh?"

"I had monthly excercises,especially my legs so i
Would took that as a compliment"

I said and he looked at me with his cheeks still pink as
He smiled at me sweetly "But still..whaddya think about
Having a little fun?its okay if you don't want to,i ain't
Gonna force ya"

I looked at him like his crazy,he is still wanting to woo me
Even after i kicked him almost making him travel to space!?
But his face is quite...cute.and he seems a nice guy so..maybe?

"....*sigh*Fine..but!just one night,alright?"

He widened his eyes and smiled adorably and i instantly melt..
And that one night turn into alot of nights of fun,and also
Making us started dating..

It was a great choice to sleep with him!since i met such a lovely

My king♡~

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