♡Ghidorah x child!reader♡

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Warning:Mentions of death,deppression and


No one's pov

A young child is playing on an edge of a cliff,seemingly waiting
For someone.she is patiently waiting as she saw the sun setting
Slowly,she then felt the wind got colder as she saw a large
Figure coming towards her and she saw ghidorah..the one who
Is many.also known as her,well father.

Yeah,that's right folks.y/n l/n a 7 year old child,with such a pure
And sweet soul is the child of the all mighty and feared ghidorah.
Well not blood related but when they first met the child did not
Felt fear towards the golden dragon as she felt quite happy when
She saw him but the three-headed dragon was quite..confused,
She went over to the cliff and extended her hand to them,the
Left head immediately knows what the child wanted and told
His brothers,the two heads were incredibly suprised to see that
You didn't felt fear to there presence which kinda piss off the
Middle head but after time and time passed by,it's clear to say
That ghidorah now claim you as his.

His daughter of course,he will make sure you and your island
Is safe and sound,he literally don't care if the other people die tbh
But with you getting by the hands of some foolish kaiju,it made
There soul crushed but right now in the present,you smiled
When you see him again and standed up immediately.you
Came closer to the cliff but not too close since you might fall
Off but just close enough to have a conversation with your
Father,you chatted and chatted for hours until it was night
Time and you frowned but waved at the three-headed hydra

They smiled as they saw you walking back to the village,but
Frowned on knowing on that memory when they had that
Talk with that girl,that girl was your adopted mother and
When she saw you with ghidorah she was stunned and shocked.
But when she finally get to talk with the three-headed dragon
They growled at her but she remained calm and told them
To take care of you with care and kindness...like she did to

"I am begging you please.she has been through much and i am
Begging for you to please take care of her,she seems fond of you
So i think that she will be very attached to you."

Ghidorah was confused and asked your adopted mother on why
Should they take care of you,and she frowned deeply and sighed

"She..her parents had died on a fire.her parents were such good
People and..a mob had suddenly broke out claiming that she was
A witch..just because her eyes were red.and for that.they killed
Them,except for (y/n)."

She looked at them dead in the eye,slightly narrowing her eyes
At them and told them with a low voice that seemed to almost
Crawl through there skin

"There dead had cost alot of damage for her,she had stopped eating
Her meals that i gave her and her eyes looked dead.those bright
(E/c) eyes had look so emotionless that i had thought she must
Be dead already,she had been crying for days and nights and
One day she fainted due to her skipping meals.so..please,take
Care of her."

And that is how that the three-headed dragon got attached and
Took care of you,and the reason why that your adopted mother
Told them that is because of her illness,she had cancer and
She can live for 8 more months since she had such a agile body
Yet,that body got ill and can no longer take care of you for
The next months but..she know,he knows,they will take care
Of you.for all there life.even facing the king himself to get
You safe.

And no matter what,you are his little princess of destruction

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