♡Human!godzilla x suicidal!reader♡

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Warning:Mentions of abuse,suicidal attempt and
A little bit of cursing

You're pov

I was walking towards the stairs,heading to the rooftop,i
Finally reach the top floor and headed to the balcony and saw
No one's here today...i softly smile..knowing i can finally
Take my suffering to an end..my scars that i had to recieve
From my blood and flesh..i bit my lip just thinking about
That memory but no time to lose!

Had to go before someone sees me!i took off my shoes and
Took off my (f/c) jacket,i then untie my ponytail and took off the
Hair pin i used to love and smiled at..just thinking about him
Make my stomach curled!i fucking hate that man!but yet..
I felt..whatever.!

I felt the cold breeze brush over my face and i had saw the faces
That i stopped on doing this..i frowned,why?why do all of you
Had to show up infront of my face..?i shook my head and climbed
Up the balcony on the top,i standed up and looked down..i
Smiled..feeling tears swelling up my eyes..finally..just fucking





I jumped off the balcony and felt the breeze once again
Brushed passed my face,i smiled and knowing..i can finally
End this pain i had to suffer for years...i smiled at the
Feeling of being free.....free of being dead.

But then i felt my hand got grabbed preventing me to fall and
I saw...him.

He stopped me,he fucking dtopped me!?he pull me up again and
Asked me if was okay,i slapped him and standed up "why..why
The fuck did you stop me!?" I yelled at him,he looked at me
And stands up "What do you mean why did i stop you!?you
Were about to die dumbass!"

"That is exactly what i'm talking about!why did you had to stop
Me!?when everything i had is gone!my mom has gone mad,my
Dad is an alchoholic and my friends just had to be fake!so..why!?
Why did you have to stop me!?" I sobbed as i felt weak on my
Knees and kneel down,i cried uncontrollably as i punch the floor
Mad that my time just had to be interupted

And then i felt arms wrapped around me and i saw godzilla
Embracing me,with such kindness and passion into it i widened
My eyes,i hesistantly wrap my arms around him and cried.
I cried to his chest as he was rubbing my back in comfort i
Looked at him with my red teary eyes "Why..even after i told
You i hate you.you still tried to help me.." he smiled softly at
Me and placed his rough but tender hand on my cheek which
Make me blush a little "I know you just said that because you
Think i might just manipulate or using you just for my own
Self but thats not true.not at all,the truth is (y/n)..ever since
We started hanging out i start to catch feelings and for 2
Months i think it's not a good time to confess my feelings
For you but-"

"When i hear you hate me i fell apart,but just a week ago i
Saw you at the rooftop scolding a girl who had the same pain
As you,and it all make sense now..you were abused.but..i
Will never harm you,if i did then i might just be the worst
Man that ever lived in the whole entire world." He finished
Explaining with such a gentle voice..i..didn't hate him..i never
Did,no.i love him.i truly do and without thinking twice

I placed my lips on his,his lips was a bit rough but so moist and
Tender and the kiss was full of love and passion,i tear up but not
From guilt nor sadness but from happiness,i finally feel happy
Just like the day i met him!he then hugged me tighter and placed
His two hands on my cheeks as i wrapped my arms around his
Neck.who knew..he was the one i fell inlove with,a king.

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