♡Godzilla x Shy!male!muto!reader♡

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You're pov

I was walking in the forest and stopped on the edge of
A cliff,i looked at the calm water with a shade of orange there
Since the sun is slowly setting,and then godzilla came out
Of the water causing me to squirmed in suprise he noticed
Me and i flinched,i shyly waved as he stared at me.he nodded
His head and leave,phew..atleast i didn't get killed unlike
The two mutos years ago..yeah,me and queen barb remember
That,warning us not to mess with godzilla.

I then walked away,i saw scylla and anguirus i call out for
Them and they noticed me and waved,i walked towards them
"H-hello you two,good evening.." "Uhuhuhu,still a little shy
Now are we (y/n)?" I felt my cheeks got red and i cover my
Face to prevent them seeing my red face "Please stop
Teasing me scy.." "Uhuhu..sorry"

"Anyways,what are you doing here?" Anguirus asked me and
I looked at him "well..godzilla appeared in my spot,and i saw
Him staring at him thinking,maybe i should leave?so..yeah"
"Oh.."  "anyway i should go now,s-see you two later.!" "Bye
(Y/n)!" "B-bye!" I walked and flew away from the island,after
30 minutes of flying i spotted an island and landed there.

I think..oh i'm in korea!nice,i walked through the forest and
Saw another cliff just right ahead!and better yet it had a nice
View to the sun setting and i was overjoued to know i had
Found another place to stay to watch the sun sets!i sat down
And felt the air breeze brushed passed me,i then noticed
A cute flower..it was nice dark blue tulip!

It had such a nice color..i smiled and put the flower just right
At my head,i tuen felt footsteps heading towards me and i turn
My head to see godzilla!what!?what is he doing here?and he
Also noticed me and raised a brow "oh..hey,what are ya
Doing here?" I flinched and sturttered "w-well..umm,i'm just
Here to see the sun set,my king!..y-you know..uh just watch
The sun set!hehe.." he seemed satisfied and he walked
Towards me!oh go,oh god!

I felt stared to sweat bullets as he sat towards me and looked at
The sun,i looked at him and saw his beautiful amber eyes with
A shade of red mixed to it was shining brightly with the sun,
I slightly blushed,i really wanted to ask the king why is he
Here but i'm way too shy!after a while of silence i took a deep
Breath and asked him "w-what are..you doing here for-r?well..
Just asking my king.." he looked at him and looked at the
Ground..and turn back his head to me

"Well..same reason as you,just watch the sun set..to relax
Y'know?" "Ohh.." We both then stared and watch the sun as
It slowly set down,it glowed a beautiful yet eerie orange
And yellow with a little bit of red,it was such a really good
View.i then turn my head to see godzilla looking a little
Gloomy and i was quite worried "is..something wrong?"
He turn his head to me suprised but went back to being
Gloomy "nah..it's nothing"

I frowned and noticed that his eyes was alot sadder than i
Thought,i frowned even harder when i know why he was sad
About "it's mothra?isn't it..?" He flinched and went silent
"I know it has been days without her but....we all missed her,
Her gentle smile,that sweet aura she always bring with her
And that never-ending kindness she gived to everyone..but
Now she's gone,i think everyone lost the brightness she
Brings" i heard godzilla's teeth nashed as he gritted his

I frown and softly sighed "but that doesn't mean we never
Lost her truly.." he looked at me with his eyes wide and i looked
At the sky "that smile of hers would never fade away from our
Memories,we will never forget her,never.so please.." i
Looked at him with a gentle smile and placed my hand to
His shoulder "And i know she was your love..but i know
She'll be right there watching over you,with that same exact
Smile plastered in her face..she'll be right there..in your,no..
Our hearts..so dont forget that godzilla.."i then gave him
A closed eyed smile and i didn't notice but he was stunned
And was blushing like a madman..he smiled and said
Thank you..

But then when i realize i talk too much,i stand up and apologized
To him while bowing down to him several times with my face red.
He chuckled and told me it was fine..but to me..it was not fine at all!
I apologized once again and run away "hehehe..thanks for
The words (y/n)..i really appreciate those words..heh"

"I think i could be falling for you too huh?♡"

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