♡Mothra x Selfharm!reader♡

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Warning:Cursing,Depression,suicidal thoughts,mentions
Of bullying,blood and inflicting self harm

A/n:Hey guys,i just wanted to say thank you for 14k reads!
You can't know how happy i am and how i really appreciate
This moment!(also no i am know crying-)anyways i hope you
Guys enjoy this oneshot of the lovely mothra!and again,thank


You're pov

I was walking home after another day of suffering,yup.welcome
To my hopeless life where i get called a slut,whore,worthless
Piece of shit and garbage...and alot more..it was deppressing as
Fuck!i never did anything to them and yet,i..recieve this pain
For months!i had to endure every moment of torture from my
Tormentors as they beat me up!call me shitty names and
Stole my money!!

I kicked a near by rock out of stress and anger as i grumble
Underneath my breath,i opened the door of my home as i got
Greeted by mom "hey honey how's-" i headed upstairs of my
Room ignoring her as i slam the door.not noticing my mom's
Upset and worried look,she looked upstairs at my door and
Sighed "what has gotten into her?....i hope she's not in..pain."
She walked away from the stairs as she goes to the kitchen.

Meanwhile in my room,i threw my bag at the corner of my room
As i shout "Fucking assholes!..what the fuck do i ever," i grabbed
The nearest thing beside me and threw it "DONE TO YOU!?" i
Threw it so hard that it made a loud noise causing my mom to
Jolt from the noise,i then started to punch the wall.sometimes i
Do this to let out my anger but also...to feel pain.

I punched the wall as hard as i can,and i didn't even care if i
Covered my hands with blood,i didn't give a fuck if i ever painted
HANDS!with a final punch,i almost broke the wall.i panted
Heavily and looked at my hands...it stings,it hurts,it was painful.
I then headed to my drawers and opened it,i grabbed my good
Old friend.....a fucking knife.

It wasn't big but not small but it's nice enough to make my
Fucking hands bleed.i took a deep breath and placed the tip of
The knife on my wrists...i closed my eyes and slowly cutted my
Skin...slowly but steadily it made my arm twitch in pain...as
I cutted through my (s/c)(skin color) skin..the cut became deeper,
And deeper..as it pierced through my flesh.after that,i did this
To my other hand and did the same activity as my left hand..

After doing what seemed my stress reliever...i lay down at
My bed and closed my eyes..but within that moment,my thoughts
Were yelling in my head,my mind telling me to..die.

Hang yourself!

Kill you're own body!

Cut you're wrists until you fall apart!




I jolted my eyes open as i immediately sat up,i felt my breath
Hitched..should..should i really die?shoud i...kill myself?if i did...
Would it be for the better?or..for the worse?

Of course it would be for the better!the world
Is better without you!besides..would you really like to live
Another day in pain..??

I..i don't want to-

Then so be it!kill yourself..die..die,die,DIE!

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