♡Godzilla x scientist!reader♡

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You're pov

I was doing research in my lab with the monarch crew as they
Needed my help for taming the king of the monsters,godzilla.which
Is strange of them since i know they'll rarely get help since they can
Be a bit ignorrant but i helped them nonetheless,though they didn't
Quite know i know godzilla more than just months...i met him
Ever since i was a child and saw me grew as an adult.but that
Turned me into his mate as i grew older..

I grabbed my clipboard and walked into the room with the big
Windows so i can meet godzilla,beside me was madison.she
Was there when the war with the two alphas fought and battled
And i must say she's pretty brave,i sat at one of the chairs my
Face calm as ever as everyone in the room looked at me weirdly
But said nothing,the base then started to shake..

"He's here..."


Indeed,he was here,the king has arrived.looking at the room
Bored but as his eyes made eye contact with me i immediately
Standed up and walked towards him causing everyone to be
Suprised as no one had ever see someone with a fast reaction
Towards him as mostly every human was afraid of him,but not
Me.i headed closer and smiled at him "hey goji,how you doin'?"
He huffs and i nodded,everyone was suprised that i was able to
Communicate with him.

But other than that,i was able to tame him thst fast?i turn to them
And explained on how i know godzilla ever since i was a child and
They had their jaws dropped down to the floor as i chuckled.

I then exited the building as i went to the beach,and there i saw a
Bunch of military there trying to keep the people away from godzilla
I glared at them and shooked my head,he never did anything wrong
Yet you still try to attack him...i sighed and walked over to him
Which caused everyone to he once again shock,the commander
Then yelled at me:

"Miss stop right there!it's dangerous!do you have any idea how
Dangerous that thing is!?" I narrowed my eyes and turned my head
To face him "and do you have any idea on how much of a fool
You are!he didn't do nothing to all of you yet you still think of him
As a threat!he won't cause harm unless you idioticly launch a
Missile at him then he would do damage to you!just don't disturb
Him!" I shouted at him as everyone widened their eyes and shut
There mouths up.

I huffed in annoyance and walked towards him,i smiled as soon as
He placed his snout against my cheek.i scratched his cheek and
Told him we can go home now,and so we did.he brought me to his
Head as he walked away,finally going back home to our island.

Yes,he may be big,but he sure is a big sweetheart♡

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