♡Female!mechagodzilla x Male!reader♡

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Note:This is 2021 mechagodzilla

Your pov

We were running,running for our lives as we
Saw our city turned to dust!i carried my little sister
As she cried,i turn my head to see the robot-like
Godzilla look alike but they turn it to a female!but
Still she was still a great threat to humanity!

And then,mechagodzilla saw us,the humans,trying to
Run away but suddenly she smirked which maked me
Widened my eyes.she flew to us and landed right infront
Of us!we all stopped running and look up to the gigantic
Godzilla robot...we frozed,unbale to move as we saw
This monster right infornt of us..she looked around and
She spotted me

I widened my eyes in fear and slowly backed away,my sister
Hugged me tightly as she pursed her lips and cried silently.
The monster lean towards at me and her red blood eyes
Stare at my (e/c) eyes..i gulped as she lean closer to me
She was then really close to my face and my sister hugged
Me tighter and so do i,my grip on my sister's waist got
Tighter but it isn't too tight too harm her,the robot
Then put her snout at my nose and this caused me to
Raise a brow

The hell was that?she then grabbed me gentlely as she
Put me to a certain place at her body,her chest.it opened
And she placed us softly at her chest and closed,we didnt
Know why she put us here but thank god she spared us
Since she used her atomic breath to the rest of the city
Killing every single one there.i covered my sister's
Ears and pull her close to me.after her massacre she
Flew away with us.

She then landed to an island and she placed us back to land,
I placed my sister who was sound asleep in the soft grass,i
Then stand up and looked at the giant metal robot "so..
Why did you take us?" She sat down and looked at me with
A dark red hue in her face "I take you because i was looking
For a mate..and i found you.you look so gentle and soft
So..i took you here to be my mate." She explained and my
Mouth hit the floor,i facepalmed and looked at her

"Look miss,i know you want me to be your mate but
Me and my sister can't survive like this.we need shelter
And food to live and we don't even know if there is
Some threats here in this island too." She widened her
Eyes and looked away thinking about something..after a
While she looked at me with the same red hue in her face
"I know!i'll built you shelter!and when ever i had to
Destroy a city i'll take you and your sister to a city to
Get food!how's that?hmm..?~"

I placed my finger on my chin and think..i mean..it is a
Good idea but i don't know her and she may be lying to
Us but..she didn't bring me here without a reason so..
I sighed and agreed.

She looked happy as hell,like really damn happy that it
Looked...kinda cute..


No one's pov

You,your sister,and mechagodzilla lived happy lives.
She provided everything you needed and built you an
Amazing house good for living,and food isn't too much
Of a problem either since she always took you and your
Sister to cities to get you food.

You were living like this for months and you mange to
Catch feelings for the metal lady,and she gratefully accepted
It!but of course there will problems when girls hit or flirt
With you..it didn't really end too well for them but
Overall..you were grateful to meet such a great girl like

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