♡Godzilla x human!reader x baby/godzilla jr♡

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You're pov

Today,i was in the market and was checking out a stand
With fresh strawberries!i pick a small basket of it and smiled,
Yep!it's perfect for cakes or tarts!i'm a pretty-well known
Baker here in my town and i don't really mind it.my
Dad use to be one but passed away after he was diagnosed
With cancer

I..am still not really over it but,i'm doing pretty good.suddenly
The ground was shaking,not from an earthquake but from
Very loud and heavy footsteps!i turn my head and saw godzilla!
Oh god...don't tell me i need to babysit junior again,he was
Looking all over the town and saw me!he leans over and
Extended his hand,i got on top of it and i turn my head to look
At him

"So,i got to babysit junior again?what now.got into another
Challenge again?"

I said with my arms crossed as he rubs his head and nodded,i
Facepalmed and sighed,i looked at him once again "your lucky
I'm pretty much not that busy today,so..sure" he smiled and
We headed towards his home.after of maybe 30 minutes or so
We had reached his cave and i saw baby junior looking at
Some  flowers and i called out for him "junior!!" His ears
Perked up and turn his head to see me in godzilla's hands

His eyes sparkle in delight and immediately headed towards
Godzilla "miss (y/n)!it's so nice to see you again,are you
Here to babysit me again?" I nodded "yup!" "Yaaaay!!"
I looked at godzilla and he put me down gently at the ground
And i turn my head to junior "alright!whatcha wanna do?"
I asked junior and he pointed at a forest with seemingly
Large but beautiful flowers and i nodded,he carried me
In his shoulder and we headed to the forest

He put me down and i picked the smaller flowers "hey miss
(Y/n)?" I replied with a hum "can we make flower crowns..?"
He asked me but it sounded alot quiet than usual..i raised a
Brow "something wrong?" He looled at me with a sad face
"Well..it's just..some kaijus made fun of me today,because
I had a human for a babysitter..one even throw a rock
At me..luckily it didn't really hurt..but.." he looked at me
With his eyes tearing up "am..am i really a coward?a
Disgrace to my father.?" And that sentence made me snap

I stand up and looked at him "alright!whoever called you that
Is just a liar!junior..you're not a coward,you're still learning.
Look,it's hard to fight someone who is incredibly intimidating
But it's not always the looks..but the strength too!so if
Someone is trying to scare you,scare them back!it's alright
To fight back anyways!" I told him with my voice full of
Determination,i then gave him a closed eyes smile and he
Was touched by my words and he softly smiled.

He then grabbed me and gaved me a big kaiju hug,i hugged
Back but i can only hugged his neck but hey!it's fine,and we
Spend the whole day chatting,making flower crowns and
Of course watching the sunset.after that he fall asleep and
I petted his slightly small ear,i then hear footsteps and
Saw godzilla

He looked at junior and turn his head to me "so,you made
Junior asleep?" I nodded and frown "yes..but,did he ever tell
You how he was mocked or bullied?" He widened his eyes
And glared at me sternly "....no.why is that?" I looked at
Junior and sighed "he told me,he was mocked on how he was
A disgrace to you and how he was a coward.and..they made
Fun of him because of me,a human,his babysitter..one even
Had throw rocks at him." I explained to godzilla and i
Know he is pissed.

I glance at him and saw he was gritting his teeth and he
Already looked like he's about to murder someone "i'm
Guessing someone had a death wish,are we?" "Can be" i
Said with a monotone voice and he sighed and sat beside me
He then looked at me with blushing cheeks and i raised a
Brow "what?" He sighed once more and turn away "Nothing..
It's just..have you any thoughts when someone fell for you?"
"Yeah i kinda do,and it's the guy sitting beside me." He looked
At me with a shocked face

And i looked at him with a grin drawn to my face "what?you
Didn't really expect for me to notice how blushy you are when
I talk to you or something?" He had his mouth dropped to the
Ground and i chuckled "also no confession needed.just a
Kiss would be nice" i winked at him and he grins and lean
Towards me and pressed his snout on my lips,i laughed and
Gave him a kiss to his snout...

We watched the sun set together and we may tell junior
On how i'm his mother now,but i bet he would actually accept
Me as his mom,well..just hope so..i smiled at godzilla and
He smiled at me.

Well,time to live my life as the queen then!well...

His queen♡

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