♡Godzilla x Skullcrawler!reader♡

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Warning:Bit of cursing here and there


You're pov

I was in a forest,treating my wounds from that damn
Monkey!ugh!he was so fucking annoying like what's his
Deal!?i groaned and lay down on the grass and sighed
From exhaustion and frustation i closed my eyes for while
..Suddenly i heard large and heavy footsteps making me
Smile a litte,i chuckled "are you always this early?huh,
My king?~" i opened my eyes and saw the king of the
Monsters himself.Godzilla.

Why is here?well,he's my..uh,lover actually and a rival
To the stupid monkey.he sighed and sat down beside me
As he asked if i had another fight making me frown,i
Huff "hmph.!yea,because the king of apes always try
And stop me when i just wanna find food for my
Clan!!ugh.!seriously!?what's his deal!?" I rant about
How this large ugly ape is annoying and always kept
Going on my way to find food for my fellow crawlers.

He sighed and pats my back while placing my head
To his lap "there,there..here,i'll finf food for you.enough
For them to feast.seems good?" "You always do that for
Me..i want to hunt for them for once,i don't....want you
To always do favors for me goji.." i said sadly,he smiled
And he kissed my head.

"Don't worry..you're not making me tired or exhausted
By this.besides,i'm doing this for you and i can't really
Let a few crawlers starve to death,now can i?" He jokingly
Said as he stands up and i rolled my eyes playfully "mhm..
Sure........thanks goji." "No problem my future queen.♡"
He grinned as he walked away to hunt for food leaving
Me as a blushing mess..

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