♡Ghidorah x human!reader♡

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Your pov

I was in the beach with chen,mark,rick and madison
We all wanted to have lil vacation after fighting off the
Almighty ghidorah,and i also invited ghidorah too!

I was swimming on the ocean,feeling the cold yet calm water
Brushed through my skin..was quite relaxing..but,i have an
Idea!i swam back to the shore and grabbed my surfing board!
Oh yeah!this is gonna slay!

I swam near the waves and when it's almost near me...i surfed!

Heck yeah,baby!

"Good surfing skills (n/n)!"

"Wow!(y/n),your so cool!!"

"Is this a normal human thing?it looks quite
Dangerous if you ask me.."

"Oh c'mon ichi!don't tell me your not amazed by her!"

"Of course i'm amazed!it just looks...dangerous"

"Don't worry ichi,i'm good at this!i do this everytime when
We go to the beach so i'm trained!"

"Alright..if you say so (y/n),just be careful!"

"I will promise!"

I continued to surf and when there's a big wave,i smirked.
Hehe..i surfed near the big wave..and maybe it cause a little..
Woah!almost trip there but,yes!i had successfully got on top
Of the wave!hahaha!

"Hahahahaha!!yes!hell yeah!"

"Your so cool (n/n)!/Your so cool (n/n)!"

Madison and kevin complimented me and i may or
May not have blushed but whatever,after i was done,i
Of course went back to the shore completely unharmed.

Ichi looked at me closely making sure there is no single
Scratch in my body and when he's done,he nodded.pfft!
Overprotective boyfriend meanwhile ni and kevin
Just showers me with compliments that kinda maked
Me blushed.

I rubbed my neck and told them a shy 'thanks',right now
I was in the shade and checking my phone while playing
Uno with maddie and chen..and..i may have won a few

Maddie was scratching her head frustrated on how the hell
Am i winning for the whole time,and when i won again she was
Like 'Nope.nope,gurl i am doneee' and i burst out laughing
I then heard footsteps coming towards me and i look up

It was a slightly tall man like 5'11 like that,he then leans over
To me and said "hey there buttercup~wanna hang out with me?
I could buy us some drinks.soo..any thoughts baby girl?"
Did this guy just try to hit on me?well that ain't gonna work
"Sorry but i can't,my boyfriend doesn't like that and if he
Finds out he may lose his crap"

"Well why not keep it a secret~how's that?"

"Uh,yeah,it's too late for that now~!"

I pointed my thumb to where ghidorah is,and he looked pissed
As hell!like his eyes glowed a dangerous red and gold while
Glaring dangerously at the guy,speaking of which the guy just
Run the hell out of here,i chuckled and looked at ghidorah
And blows him a kiss

Ni and ichi looked away while keving happily blows me a
Kiss back,kevin's too adorable for this world oh my gudd..

I smiled at him and they smiled back.

Yep.i love my golden dragon hydra boyfriend..

I really do.♡

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