♡Ghidorah x deer kaiju!reader♡

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You're pov

I was in my territory,in the forest laying down on the grass
Inside in the cave,and suddenly a gust of wind was brushed
Through me and i know this all too familiar gust all too
Well.i groaned and got out of my cave and saw ghidorah
And noticed me,i raised a brow "soo..how's the battle?"
Ichi growled "don't even get started with me,cherry" and
I let out a small laugh,i then started to heal his injuries as
He hissed in pain after i healed them,kevin/san lean over
To me and gaved me a soft kiss to the cheek

I smiled and nuzzle with his nose,"alright c'mon you,lets
Get that frown upside down" i joked with him and ni let
Out a scoff but it's not really rude or anything,me and him
Lay down and nuzzle with each other.

Ni got entangled with my neck and so does kevin and i pratically
Sighed softly while ichi deeply sighed "these two never learn
Now do they?" "Possibly not,hehe" ichi then lean down to me
And gave me a playful boop to the nose and i got caught off
Guard because of that,i blushed a cherry red and looled away
"Hmph,still liking boops?even tho you said you hated them?"
"I lied" "really?" "Heh" i looked at him,looking at those
Gorgeous golden ruby eyes..i gesture him to get closer and he
Did,and when his close enough i kissed him which made
Him suprised at first but closed his eyes as he melted into
The kiss.

Heh.i think i know why he nickname me cherry,since i may
Had looked like a cherry by now,but that doesn't matter,all that
Matters now that my king should get some rest.

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