♡Godzilla x Male!fox kaiju!reader x Ghidorah♡Lemon

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Warning:Cursing and sexual content
This is a lemon and if you don't know what
Lemon is please click off,i don't want any of my
Readers to lose there innocence,or if you do know
What a lemon is but you don't like it then leave


No one's pov

You were talking to rodan,mothra,anguirus and azuri(my oc),
All of you were happily chatting until all of you saw the
Familiar spikes from the sea,it was godzilla!you raised a
Brow on his speed,he looked lile he was in a rush but why?
He finally landed on the shores and you and everyone else
Approched him

"You okay,big g?i mean you looked like your in a rush-"
"(Y/n).follow me,please.i need you for a sec" he interupted you
And you were confused at first but followed him anyway.
He leads you to a forest,and he was breathing heavily and his
Face unsually red...which was really weird,he then looked
At you with desperate eyes..he places his hands on your
Shoulders as he pants for no reason..

"(Y/n)..please you gotta help me." You raised a brow and
Immediately had your ears up for him "well,what is it

"I....fuck..i need you to help me with-" he was cutted off
When all of a sudden ghidorah just took you with his legs
And puts you on his back,you and godzilla's eyes widened
As ghidorah took you away "Grrrr..!ghidorah you fucking
Bastard!you're in that time for the month too,huh?"
Godzilla asked as he felt anger rise up in his body "And
You choose him?you gotta be shitting me!!"

Godzilla then sprinted back to the sea,making sure he
Find you unharmed and probably not well atleast..getting
You're precious virginity away from ghidorah.he will
Make sure of it!he didn't catch feelings for you for no reason
Ya know?

Meanwhile with ghidorah

You and ghidorah finally landed and you faced him with
An annoyed look "And what am i doing here,ghidorah?"he
Leans at you and you only think he was trying intimidate you
Which it didn't really change your facial expression as it
Remain unchanged,he sighed and looked at you "Look fox,
We bring you here for a good reason" "and what kind of
Reason is that?"

You raised a brow,he suddenly pin you to the ground
As he leans to your ear and growled lowly..

It slightly made you shudder and you don't know if it's from
Fear or pleasure which make you confused but your thoughts
Snapped when you hear him speak up "For you to be my mate~."
You literally felt your cheeks burn up and you literally shove
Him off you "Ex-fucking-cuse me!?" You shouted at him your
Cheeks still blushing "what?" "What?...fucking what!?why in the
World are you asking me to be your mate out of nowhere!is
This some kind of nonsense?!"

Ghidorah sternly looked at you and sighed once more "of
Course no..it's just something about you feel...so..special..so
Pure,and when ever i had see you smile you make me feel
So..ugh,weird,so i thought making you my mate will stop this
Weird feeling inside of me not even ni and san knows about
This!" Ghidorah explained as the left and right head looked
Away looking red,tho ni the right head looks more tsundere
While kevin/san the left head looks more adorable while
Middle head who's name is ichi looks red like a cherry

I was speechless...the one who is many..the forever rival of
Godzilla himself..is in love with me!?this is so confusing!well
If your wondering how i figure it out well the first proof i
Had that he looks so damn red!the second one was his so
Sudden confession and of course lastly he just blurted it out
On how i was so special to him!?now this is how i know

"You...i..i really don't know how to feel about this" i said while
Placing my paw to my forehead,ghidorah then leans over to me
Again now pressing his chest to mine i blushed,my cheeks
Tinted pink before i speak something up a beam had hit
Ghidorah and he had crushed to several trees after that,i was
Suprised until i heard a familiar roar,we turn our heads to
See godzilla looking incredibly pissed off

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