♡Rodan x Villain!peacock kaiju!reader♡

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Warning:Mild cursing


*Five months ago..*

You're pov

As i saw ghidorah rant about his loss of the battle with
Godzilla,i just rolled my eyes and sighed "look,ghidorah,
Let's think about a new plan to defeat the g-man so you
Can finally shut the fuck up.!" I said to him with my voice
As blunt as it gets making the two mutos snicker,destroyah
Letting out a chuckle and gigan laughed his ass off while i
Looked at the golden hydra blankly.

He yells at me and think deeply and i sighed,standing up
From my seat i told them i'll get some fresh air.fem muto
Nodded and i left the underground cave and headed to
My favorite spot,to the waterfalls!i smiled in relief and sat
Down,i sighed as a comfortable silence surround me
Until i heard a sound of footsteps and i frowned.

I glanced at the direction and saw..the so called "fire demon"
Staring at me and i roll my eyes "look,i had no energy to
Fight right now soo..do me a favor and piss off." "Wow,
Sassy much?" "Just saying what i want to say.." he chuckled
And my patience is running out so i told him to what
The hell does he want already.

"Oh,uh..well,uuuh...it's just that..i came here..because of..
You??" He points at with finger guns and i looked at him
With a face you can tell that i am so tired of goofy
Crackheads like him.i facepalmed(though rather wingpalmed)
"What do you mean because of me?!" I shouted and he
Explained how he has been looking at me at battles and
Kinda've gaining a small interest so there.

I..was shook,but i thought this guy is just flat-out stupid
And dumb.he smiled nervously as i continue to look at him
Dead in the eye "ugh,fine!look..i'm not doing this because i
Like you!i'm only doing this because your annoying!are
We clear!?" "Crystal,senorã!" I rolled my eyes at his goofy
Smile but the only thing i didn't know is that...

I could actually fall for this little shit.

*Back in the present..*

"Where are you going,(y/n).??" The fem muto asked me
And i told her just going for a walk and i'll be right back for
Maybe awhile "mhm.!but be back early or else ghidorah
Is going to kill you!" I grinned playfully and rolled my

"Yeah,yeah i know!well,see ya later." I waved and headed
Out and headed to the waterfalls and saw rodan waving
At me,i felt my cheeks burning up and i smiled softly
At him "yo,hermosa!how ya doing?" "Good,you?" "Great
Now that your here!" He laughed and i chuckled,it was
A good timing since we were experiencing a sun set and
My feathers unexpectedly perked up making it look
Like i'm showing them.

Rodan noticed and chuckled "amor,your feathers are showing
Up.." "Shit!" He smiled and placed his arm around my
Shoulder and said "no worries,besides you look beautiful.
No need to be insecure about your feathers." He then
Gave me a kiss and i smiled and kissed back.

It truly was a miracle i fell for him.but i don't have any

'Cause i love him,and i always will.♡

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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