Twenty five

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Chloe walked into home farm. It was all blurry and it was a mess. She felt the back of her head. She saw that her head was bleeding.

Chloe knew someone had hit her over the head. And she knew something that had happened to Graham. But she didn't know what.

Chloe walked inside as Kim looked up and frowned. She looked at Chloe. "Chloe. What happened?" She asked as she walked over to her.

"Something happened. Something happened to Graham. I don't remember," Chloe said.

Kim saw how she had been hit on the back of the head. She frowned. "Come on. Come and sit down. Then we need to get you checked out," she said as she took her into the living room.

Chloe sat on the sofa. "R-Rhona. She has Esmè."

"I'll send your sister to get her. Do you remember what happened?" Kim asked.

Chloe looked at her and frowned. "We were arguing about Esmè. That's all I remember. Then I was hit on the back of the head. And I woke up. He was there unconscious. I left him alone" Chloe said as she realised she had left him.

Kim wrapped an arm around her and smiled. "It's going to be okay. I promise. We need to get you checked out. Graham will be fine. He always is," Kim said.


Scarlett got to the hospital. She saw Kim. "Where's Esmè?"

"Lydia is watching her. I think she's one of the few people to be trusted. How's Chloe?" Scarlett asked.

Kim sighed as she looked at her. "They've induced her into a coma. She's frantic. She thinks she did this to Graham. They're letting her rest for now," Kim said.

Scarlett nodded. She looked to Chloe who was fast asleep. She sighed. "You don't think she did this do you?" Scarlett asked.

"I know that she was angry. And she could be capable of it. Especially after everything he's done to her. But I know your sister. And she isn't like you or me. She doesn't have a bad bone in her body. Yes she has a temper. But she wouldn't hurt anyone," Kim said.

Scarlett looked to her and smiled. Scarlett knew all that she had been through. And she was worried about her sister. "Have you heard about Graham?" Scarlett asked.

"He's critical. He still could die. It's just a waiting game. I don't want to tell Chloe. But the doctors did some tests. And Chloe had signs of intercourse beforehand. They don't know if it was consensual or not. But she can't know. It will break her," Kim said as Scarlett nodded.


Chloe frowned to herself as she woke up in her hospital bed. Chloe knew that her head was a mess. And that she couldn't remember anything. But she knew how something had happened to Graham. She didn't know what either.

Chloe sobbed as she laid in bed. Feeling scared and alone. She was scared about what really happened and how her life would never be the same again.

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