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Chloe sped off. Graham was still there. He took hold of the steering wheel and suddenly, the car flipped upside down...

Chloe couldn't move. She was in absolute agony. The only thought she had on her mind was the baby. Was her baby okay?

She tried to unbuckle the seatbelt but it was no use. She looked to see Graham was unconscious. She tried to grab her phone.

Scarlett looked at Kim. "Why would you do that? Because Chloe was finally happy. She finally had what she wanted and then you had to ruin it."

Kim sighed. "Scarlett. When you've gone for months without no human contact with a man, you tend to forget about everything."

Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Chloe's having his baby. Doesn't that mean anything to you?" She asked.

"Of course it does."

A passerby saw the car accident and called 999. They were there within minutes. Paramedics had to get Chloe and Graham out as soon as.

Graham was freed from the car with no problems. Chloe was a different matter. Her bump got in the way. They had to wait for the fire crew.

Scarlett and Kim were arguing when Scarlett's phone rang. She answered it and paled. Kim noticed. "What's happened?"

"It's Chloe. She's been in a severe car accident. The car got flipped."

"Let's go."

Chloe was rushed straight to surgery. She had to have an emergency caesarean to get the baby out. The moment the baby came out, she was rushed straight to PICU.

Scarlett and Kim arrived at the hospital. Scarlett was panicking. She didn't know how she would cope if she lost her sister.

Kim walked over to reception. "Chloe Tate. Where is she? I'm her mother."

"Hold on. I'll contact her doctor."

Scarlett was shaking. She didn't want to believe she could lose her sister. Her pregnant sister.

Eventually, Chloe's doctor came out. "Miss Tate? I'm Doctor Neilson. Your daughter is just out of surgery. The car accident has done some severe damage to her. It's touch and go now."

"And the baby?"

The doctor sighed. "Chloe had to be rushed in for an emergency caesarean. She delivered a baby daughter. She's in PICU at the moment. For the moment, it's Chloe that is our main concern. Mr Foster is recuperating well."

Scarlett stood outside the PICU unit. She wanted to see her niece. A nurse came out. "Can I help you?" She asked.

"My sister. She had a baby. Could I see her?"

The nurse smiled and nodded. She opened the door and let Scarlett in. "What's your sisters name?"

"Chloe Tate."

The nurse smiled and took Scarlett over to the incubator. She felt her heart melt when she saw her newborn niece. "I promise. Whatever happens to your mummy, I will always be there for you."

A few hours later, Graham made his way to PICU. Scarlett had told him about Chloe having the baby. He walked inside. "I'm the father of Chloe Tate's daughter."

"This way."

Graham walked over and laid eyes on his daughter. His little girl that he made with Chloe. He knew in that moment he was going to protect her no matter the cost.

Little Miss Tate {Emmerdale}Where stories live. Discover now