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Jose's POV

"Natalia Zamora. I swear to God if you don't answer this phone in the next thirty seconds, I'm coming home and tracking you down." I threaten into the voicemail. 

The fact that Natalia has yet to return any of my phone calls and texts is concerning. We aren't in an argument. We aren't on bad terms even in the slightest. 

I know something is wrong.

"Everything okay?" I hear from behind me.

"No." I reply instantly. "Something is going on back home and it's kind of an emergency. I need to go." I tell the doctor that has allowed me to shadow him for the last few days.

"Okay...is there something we can do?" He asks with concern.

"Don't hold it against me?" I say in a halfhearted joking manner.

"I don't know if you'll be able to come back if you leave, Jose. I don't mind that you're leaving. Clearly family things happen. The Hospital Board might not feel the same way, though." He sighs. 

"I understand." I nod. "But this is important. Easily the most important thing right now. I have to go. Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity. I hope to see you all again one day. Although it was short lived- just know that every second was never taken for granted." I say, stashing my laptop away quickly.

"Let me talk to the Board, okay? I'll email you if anything changes." Dr. Mason says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Sir." I say, extending my hand to shake his. He grips my hand and gives it a firm shake.

"Get back home. I'm sure catching a flight back to L.A won't be the easiest thing to do at the moment." He sighs.

"No it will not." I sigh. "But I think I'll be able to get on a flight by tomorrow morning at the latest. I'm aiming for tonight. I'm doing standby, so hopefully something opens up soon." 

"Good luck, Jose. I'll email you as soon as I hear back." He says, waving me off.

"Thank you." I say once more before grabbing all of my things and rushing out of the hospital. I take one final glance back as I walk away from the most beautiful hospital I have ever been inside. 

I never imagined a hospital to be beautiful. I actually always hated a hospital. When Mom and Dad got into their car accident, I remember sitting in the hospital waiting room only to wait and hear the worst news imaginable. I expected that after that, I would never want to walk into a hospital ever again.

This wasn't the case, though. 

My love for health and medicine has only increased over the years. I strive to be the best in what I do. Finishing medical school has always been my biggest goal. I think it always will be.

So stepping away from this internship hurts. I can't even try and pretend that it doesn't feel like I'm missing out on something massive. The internship at Tennessee has always been my dream. I finally achieved my dream, and now I'm having to step away from it completely.

Natalia and the baby seem more important than the internship. Natalia will always be more important than anything I could do and anywhere I could go. Even if I know that this is strictly nothing more to her than a friendship, I know that she'll always be more important.

I dial her number once more and wait as it rings for a few moments, still ending with no answer.

"Come on, Nat. Answer me." I mutter as I hang up and dial once more. "Just let me know that everything is okay."

I have a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach over this entire situation. She wouldn't just not answer my calls unless something is wrong. I know she stays glued to her phone at all hours of the day. She's usually pretty quick to reply. Something has to be wrong. I just know it.

While I want nothing more than to be completely wrong about this entire situation, I know that it's fairly unlikely. Instead of dialing her once more, I search the hospitals number and call them.

"USC Medical." I hear on the other end of the phone. Relief washes over me quickly. At least someone answered the phone.

"Hi. I'm calling to ask about a patient." I tell the woman on the phone.

"Name and relation?" They ask in a monotone voice.

"Natalia Zamora. I'm her boyfriend." I lie, knowing that they won't give me any information otherwise. Hell, I'll be lucky to even get some now.

"And what's your name?"

"Jose Ramirez." I mutter.

"Looks like she was moved out of high risk unit and is on the delivery floor." The woman replies.

"Delivery?" I ask, pausing my steps.

"Yes, sir. Is there anything else I can do for you?" She asks.

"No, Ma'am. Thank you." I say, hanging up the phone quickly. 

I have never booked a flight so quickly in my entire life. I know there's no way I can get to her in time. 

"Please, have a flight available." I mutter to whoever might be listening. Almost as if God had answered this silent prayer, there's one last seat available on a flight leaving in the next hour. I don't care if the flight is five hundred dollars one way. I have to get back to Los Angeles. I just hope I can get through security in time for this very last minute flight.

I try calling Natalia's phone one last time, getting sent to voicemail once again.

"Nat. I'm on my way to L.A right now. I have a flight leaving in about an hour or so. I'm about ten minutes from the airport right now. I'll be there soon. I called the hospital, so I already have an idea of what's going on. I love you, Nat. I'll be there soon. I promise." I say into the speaker. I hear the beep-indicating the voicemail cutting me off.

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