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Grayson's POV

I think at this point in my life, I can officially say that I absolutely hate hospitals. I haven't been in many hospitals in my life. The majority of the time has been for something involving Natalia. Knowing that she has had to come to a hospital on more than one occasion while we've been together- or in this case apart- is unsettling.

The car ride to the hospital was quiet. This is something that I'm thankful for. Not only did I not really want to speak with Jose, he was also unable to talk comfortably. At first, I thought he was being dramatic when saying that I had broken his nose. The more that I look at it and see the swelling and bruising already covering his face, I think he might have been right.

"I know that you're pissed at me, but I'm going in. I need to see Natalia. I gave up my internship to be here. I left everything for her. I know that you don't owe me a single thing- but please just let me see her. Let me say goodbye." He finally announces, breaking our silence.

I watch as he unbuckles his seatbelt and then go to unbuckle my own.

"That's fine." I say. 

Honestly, it is fine. He's right when saying that I'm pissed. I'm absolutely livid. But, he has a point. He left his internship to go to Natalia. He dropped everything for her from day one. Whatever she has needed, he has been the one to provide it. 

I know that I don't owe him anything. I know that I should tell him to leave and never come back. But if this role were reversed, and for the longest time I thought that it was...I would want the same closure.

We walk into the hospital in silence. Thankfully, Jose does all of the talking. He tells the front desk who we're there to see. He is the one to find directions to where we're going. He takes the lead. I honestly don't know if I could form a coherent sentence to these people right now. So if anything, I'm thankful that he's here for this reason and this reason alone.

"Dr. Liles!" I hear Jose call down the hallway.

"Oh. Jose." The woman replies. "I'm so glad that you're here. We've been waiting for you. And who is this?" She asks, looking at me quizzically.

"Grayson. Grayson Parker. I'm....Natalia's..." I say, beginning to form a sentence that just won't form.

"Grayson Parker." She says with realization. "Sofia's brother." She smiles.

"Yeah. Sofia is my sister." I nod. "And Natalia is....that's my daughter." I explain. "The baby. Not Natalia." I add.

"Ahh, yes." She chuckles.

"Can I see them?" I ask nervously.

"Natalia is currently asleep. She has had a very long and hard forty eight hours." She sighs.

"And the baby?" I ask, fearing the worst.

"She's a fighter." She smiles. "She was born rather early, as we all know. We had started giving Natalia a round of steroid shots to help develop the lungs. If we had more time, I believe that it would have helped. However, things happen and she arrived much faster than anticipated. She is having trouble breathing on her own, so we do have her hooked up to a small ventilator. There's certain things that she just isn't able to do yet. She can swallow on her own yet, so we have her on a feeding tube. All of this will look scary, but don't worry. She's adapting very well to her new change in environment.

"Are they going to be okay?" I ask.

"They will." She smiles. "It's just going to be a pretty hard path ahead. It will all be fine, though."

"Okay." I exhale in relief. "What do I do now?" I ask.

"Well for starters, we're needing some information for the social security number. We're also needing additional health insurance information. You're the plan holder, correct?" She asks.

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